Twitch users who actively participate in Twitch chat rooms are already familiar with Twitch moderators.
You are probably wondering if you can earn money as a Twitch moderator. So, do Twitch mods get paid?
No. In most cases, Twitch mods aren’t paid by streamers. However, some larger streamers have enough money to pay their mods, so it’s possible to earn extra cash this way.
Having streamed on Twitch for some time, I will briefly explain in this article what Twitch moderators are, whether you need Twitch mods, and provide more information about earning money as a Twitch user.
Without further delay, let’s get started!
Table of Contents
What are Twitch Moderators?
If you have been using the Twitch platform, you have likely noticed that Twitch is centered around live chat rooms where viewers can share various information, copypasta, experiences, or simply engage in clean conversation with other viewers.
Some users are marked with a green sword icon that appears next to their usernames.
A green sword icon represents a chat moderator badge. These moderators are typically chosen by channel owners.
Twitch moderator is the primary assistant to a streamer. Their responsibilities include managing the chat, monitoring explicit content, and preventing spammers from posting inappropriate comments and similar disruptions.
A Twitch moderator plays a significant role on the platform, as their primary responsibility is to prevent a streamer’s channel from being banned.
A Twitch moderator manages the streamer’s chat content, enhancing its appearance beyond the usual standard.
What Do Twitch Moderators Do?

Massive chatting platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, and Reddit have their own moderators. In fact, it is more accurate to say that they have multiple moderator teams.
This means that thousands of people from a single team are responsible for managing elements that could be harmful to the channels.
Twitch channels are among the most popular sources for moderators.
Twitch mods can be human, automated, or a combination of both human and automated.
While automated moderators are effectively programmed to complete specific tasks, they cannot replace a human moderator.
There are several valid reasons why human moderators outperform bots, but I will present the most compelling one.
Fans who follow a streamer’s channels trust their moderators, and these fans can eventually become new moderators themselves.
Twitch mods must adhere to rules established by Twitch and the specific channel they are managing.
Twitch mods are responsible for ensuring safe streaming and maintaining a positive environment in chat rooms.
They must remove and delete rude comments, messages, and any form of unacceptable behavior. Additionally, they create and share clips and links that fans require at that moment.
If someone violates the stream rules, Twitch moderators will promptly ban that type of activity.
Do Twitch Mods Receive Compensation?

I must be completely honest with you: most mods do not receive payment.
When I say that most Twitch mods don’t get paid, I mean that many small and some medium streamers lack the budget to compensate their mods.
In that case, Twitch mods are individuals who aim to assist their favorite Twitch streamers in achieving successful streams.
They do this on most channels, either for fun or because they enjoy it, not because those Twitch mods are looking to earn a lot of money.
On the other hand, large streamers compensate their moderators. These Twitch moderators typically work for prominent streaming channels, and Twitch streamers place their trust in them.
Bigger channels pay moderators, but it is also possible to earn some extra cash through donations, Twitch subs, ads, and merchandise sales.
When Do Twitch Streamers Need Mods?
If you are a new Twitch streamer, you may be interested to know that you need mods for Twitch.
It all depends on the size of the channel. Larger streamers require more Twitch mods.
Here are various channel sizes.
Small Channels
If you are a small channel streamer, you need to post one text line per second. This means you can work with two or three active moderators.
This is a job for one person.
Medium Channels
As a medium channel streamer, you need to post five text lines per second. This means that medium streamers should have one moderator for every two thousand viewers.
Large Channels
As an experienced streamer in this field, you should have one active moderator for every six hundred viewers.
In this situation, it is always wise to hire moderators who will interact with other Twitch viewers and manage bots.
I must emphasize that this is an average number of paying mods, so you should aim for a higher mod count than the suggested one.
There is no ideal moderation schedule unless Twitch moderators are compensated.

How to Become a Twitch Moderator
No one can provide you with the correct advice on becoming a Twitch moderator.
However, there are several tips you can follow that can assist you with moderating.
With these tips, you will become the top choice for major streamers in need of an excellent moderator. They may also pave the way for a full-time position as a moderator.
Here is a list of the most important pieces of advice:
If you adhere to all these tips, you can effortlessly transform your excellent ideas into a lucrative job.
As you work towards becoming an exceptional moderator, consider offering additional services such as arranging social media posts, video editing, and other valuable skills you likely possess.
However, keep in mind that you must start from the beginning.
Begin as a volunteer who will one day become a professional in his hobby.
This is crucial to remember because you do not receive payment for assisting a Twitch stream to grow, banning disrespectful viewers, or moderating chats on Twitch.

How to Get Paid on Twitch?
Once you practice all the skills mentioned in the section above, prominent streamers will begin to trust you.
That’s when you will also begin earning money by taking on various jobs for streamers.
Once you showcase your effort and creativity, you can begin working for streamers by managing social media platforms, creating clips for a YouTube channel, designing thumbnails, editing YouTube videos, maintaining a website, or engaging in other tasks.
How Much Do Twitch Mods Make?
Being a Twitch moderator is not an official job, so there is no formal information on how much streamers compensate their mods.
Nevertheless, there are some posts on Reddit that can generally attest to how much money Twitch moderators earn.
These testimonials pertain to the most prominent streamers on Twitch.
Do Ninja Mods Receive Compensation?
According to the Reddit posts, Ninja utilizes a flat-rate pay system, where Ninja mods receive 50 dollars for managing streams and chats.
While it may not be a significant amount of money for Ninja, it is crucial for him to cultivate an engaging community and, more importantly, to avoid bans.
Do Ludwig Mods Get Paid?
This well-known streamer earned a significant amount of money when he completed his 31 Day Subathon.
His stream was active at all times, even while he was sleeping. Many people watched his stream day and night, which is why he needed moderators to keep his community engaged.
His stream team consisted of 17 moderators, and each mod was paid 5,000 dollars per day.
Although his total costs amounted to 170,000 dollars, it is important to note that this type of payment was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
Twitch mods don’t receive significant pay. This is just one of the interesting facts about what can occur when you are fortunate enough to be in the right place at the right time. You shouldn’t anticipate that, nor should you wait for it, as you may end up feeling quite disappointed at the end of the day.
Do Nightblue’s Mods Get Paid?
He is one of the largest streamers on Twitch. As a streamer, he typically requires many moderators to edit his video compilations from his Twitch streams and to manage his website.
Unfortunately, there is limited information available regarding how much his mods are paid.
As you read in this article, there is no straightforward path to becoming a mod on Twitch, and being an active streamer can also be quite challenging.
To be a good mod, you need to have ample time and a great deal of patience.
Next, you need to be active on a streamer’s channel and establish strong connections with other Twitch viewers and streamers.
I hope this article will be helpful for all small Twitch streamers to grow and become successful on the Twitch platform.
To learn more about Twitch mods, continue reading the FAQ section below, which may help you begin growing on this amazing platform.
What does being a mod do on Twitch?
A mod on Twitch removes and deletes rude comments that can harm further free conversation during streams. The mod is labeled with a green sword icon that is visible next to the name. The mod also assures free conversation among users in streams. There is zero tolerance towards any type of violence.
Does a Twitch mod get free subs?
Unfortunately, a mod doesn’t get free subs. Luckily, a streamer usually trusts moderators, and it is often that a u003ca href=u0022 target=u0022_blanku0022 rel=u0022noreferrer noopeneru0022u003estreamer giftsu003c/au003e free subs to moderators.
Does a Twitch mod have to be subbed to mod?
A mod doesn’t have to be subbed to manage a stream channel. If someone is often enough on your stream channel, and if you believe that person is trustworthy, then, there is no need to be subbed. However, mods are usually subbed as streamers’ biggest supporters.
Why doesn’t Twitch mod get paid?
Streamers don’t pay their mods because it is more a volunteer-type of a job than a paid one. On the other side, people like being mods, even for free, because it is a privilege. A small streamer or a medium streamer doesn’t have enough money in his budget to pay mods that will control the stream or the chat. But, a larger streamer can afford to pay mods that will help stream business to grow by taking care of chat safety, running YouTube channels, and making the audience more interactive than before.
Why do people mod on Twitch?
There are three main reasons why people mod on Twitch. The first reason is that people like the streamer, so they want to help the stream by supporting it, even though they are doing it for free. The second reason is that every person likes having some privileges as a mod. The third reason is that people adore possessing titles. And the mod title is welcomed in the Twitch community.