Can You Make Money on Twitch Without Being a Partner (2024)

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Becoming an affiliate or a partner on Twitch is a very difficult endeavor. Streaming with many concurrent viewers is a good way to earn some income, and even a whole monthly earning if there are enough people watching.

The good news is: yes, you can earn some money on Twitch even if you are not a partner. The bad news is: this is extremely difficult and the money is often scarce.

Here are the best ways to make money on Twitch without being a Partner:

1. Donations
2. Youtube
3. Patreon
4. Affiliate Marketing
5. Sponsorship
6. Merchandise

But let me tell you more about it and answer the question “Can you make money on Twitch without being a Partner”.


First and foremost, one of the ways to earn on Twitch is through Twitch donations.

For that, you need a donation box. You can use a service like StreamTip, TwitchAlerts, TipeeeStream, Donorbox, etc.

Now, it is important that you avoid making it too flashy and intrusive. Another thing to avoid is asking people for donations too many times. It is okay to mention that there is a donation box, but don’t go much farther than that.

Another way to get donations is through your PayPal account. If you consider choosing this, you should be aware that there is some tax-related stuff that you need to work out in order to withdraw money.

How to Get People to Donate?

When you set up a link for donations, it should be visible, but not too much. You can place the link on your profile, in the section ‘About Me’ or post it in the chatbox.

Remember, if someone likes you enough to wish to make a donation, they will find the link or ask you how they can do it. What you can (and should) do is provide entertaining content and an enjoyable experience for your viewers, however few or many there are.

Encouraging viewers to donate can be an interesting experience if you have a good idea and deliver it well. Here are some ideas about what you can do to involve people:

  • Enable notifications when a donation is made. You can have a reaction, for example, say something funny. Or you can set up a chatbot to write a humorous message in the chat box for each donation.
  • If you have a special talent, you can use it: for example, sing a song (or a verse) when a donation is made. Or you can do something during the game, like take down your armor or play with only one hand for some time. Be creative!
  • Establish titles like ‘First Donation of the Day’ or ‘Last Donation of the Day’, or ‘Highest Donation of the Week’.
  • You can create something like a daily/weekly/monthly top list of the biggest donations – fans love to be recognized for their deeds.
  • Include people in your life goals. You can set up an objective to raise money for a piece of equipment and enable a bar that will show how far away you are from reaching it. The expectation and anticipation may well keep your viewers watching you and helping the bar get to the end.



Uploading your stream, or even better, interesting parts of your streams or various compilations, to your YouTube channel, can get you some revenue from ads there.

The good side is that you can get more viewers on Twitch that way as well. Since Twitch doesn’t give a lot of options for reaching more people, YouTube has that through related videos and personal suggestions that appear on the right side of the window.



Patreon is a good way to get monthly donations from your regular and loyal viewers. If you decide to use it, you should include it in your ‘About Me’ section on Twitch and mention it during your streams.

You can think of rewards you can give them for their participation. They can be game tips, lessons in a skill you have, or exclusive videos.

Affiliate Marketing

Don’t confuse this with Twitch Affiliate. Affiliate marketing is something that you can do independently of Twitch. It includes promoting products of a certain brand.

The affiliate gets their custom link to the website where the products are sold. You can get a commission for every product sold through those links. Some brands may even give you a promo code that gives your followers a certain discount.

There are many brands with affiliate programs that accept even streamers with small viewership.


If you have a loyal viewership, a not-so-small group of people who watch you regularly, it would not be impossible for a brand to contact you and offer to sponsor you. Sponsored parties get a brand’s merchandise that they promote in their streams.

You can also contact some of them even if you don’t get an offer. It can work that way too.

And the good news is that you don’t necessarily have to be a Twitch Affiliate or Partner to do that. Also, there are services that connect streamers and brands.

Related: How to Get Sponsored on Twitch

Creating Your Own Merchandise

There is one more creative way of earning money on Twitch without being a partner: selling your own merch. Once you get followers who are really into your brand, you can try printing your logo (slogan or anything people know you for) on shirts, hoodies, mugs, stickers, and you can sell those.

Shopify is one of the websites where you can open a virtual store to sell your goods. Printing is now simple with the print-on-demand services such as Printful.

This way of promoting your brand is excellent because when people use merch with your logo, many others will learn about you.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many Twitch followers do you need to get paid?

The status of Twitch Affiliate is not granted per a streamer’s request but per invitation. To qualify, you need to have at least 50 followers, along with some more fulfilled requirements. These refer to the previous 30 days: 500 streaming minutes, 7 different days, and at least 3 concurrent viewers.

How much do small Twitch streamers make?

This is very difficult to estimate because there are many factors to include. However, let me try to give you some approximations. Small streamers are those with between the average of 10 and 100 followers.

Someone with 10 viewers can expect to get about $50 a month while someone with 100 viewers can get between $1000 and $1500 a month.

Can you make a living off Twitch?

I cannot say that you cannot, as there are people who do this. However, I can say that this is really difficult. There are about 9 million streamers on Twitch.

It is a hard endeavor to stand out among so many people enough to make a living just by streaming your games. However, if you have something special and unique to offer, you may have a chance to live off your favorite hobby.

How do I get st

There are many things to consider after you decide to start streaming and before you actually start. You need to get decent equipment, for starters. Also, choosing the game(s) to play is an important choice as well.

And the last thing in this simplified list would be good knowledge of how to interact with your audience and keep them interested in your stream.


There are ways to get paid while you stream on Twitch even if you are not a Twitch affiliate or partner. To be honest, it is not easy but it is not impossible either.

The text above showed you several strategies to achieve this. First of all, start by building a steady audience and then utilize the methods above. Good luck!

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Stefan Mitrovic

Stefan is a long-time content creator and one of the Stream Mentor's co-founders. He's a tech geek and a Dota 2 player (not even a good one) who wanted to help others become professional streamers and earn from the comfort of their home.