With approximately 1 billion users, TikTok is currently one of the most popular apps in the world.
While the number of TikTok users ensures a constant stream of funny videos and content, it also makes the task of becoming TikTok famous somewhat more challenging.
I have gathered some information that might be useful for you at some point. Let’s talk about how to get famous on Tik Tok. Here are some tips:
1. Think about your TikTok content;
2. Post content consistently;
3. Add personality to your content;
4. Work with other creators;
5. Cooperate with different brands;
6. Advertise your TikTok profile;
7. Accept critics;
Further below, I will explain these tips one by one, so if you are interested, stay tuned to learn more!
Table of Contents
Steps You Need to Take to Become TikTok Famous

Here are the actionable steps that I believe would be wise to take before and during your TikTok adventure:
1. Consider Your TikTok Video Content
Before downloading the TikTok app and starting to create your content, you need to determine the type of content you will present.
Specifically, you need to develop something distinctive and imaginative.
However, you should check which TikTok categories are the most popular, as you do not want to waste too much time on aspects that are less promising within the TikTok community.
Currently, the most promising categories are entertainment (lip-syncing, dancing, pranks), fitness, and fashion.
Therefore, feel free to envision your own type of entertainment content, where you can even combine several different categories.
For example, one can create videos featuring dancing and training while wearing popular fashion brands.
Additionally, one might choose to create videos on topics that are not heavily explored by other TikTok users.
These topics could include pets, book reviews, life hacks, or even intriguing facts from geography or history, for instance. This approach helps you build a loyal target audience.
Trending hashtags can enhance the popularity of your TikTok videos and, consequently, your TikTok profile.
You can find popular hashtags on the Discover page, which will certainly help you gain fame on TikTok.
However, keep in mind that with some less popular topics, it will be significantly more challenging to become TikTok famous.
However, once you achieve this, your influence and viral videos will extend to other social media platforms.
However, always keep in mind that some individuals from the so-called TikTok community may not appreciate your content, regardless of its quality.
You cannot satisfy everyone, and the sooner you accept this, the better.
2. When you begin posting your content, do so consistently
You’ve carefully considered your TikTok videos, and at last, you’ve started to create and publish them.
That is an excellent start. However, the real work begins now.
You should post nearly every day on TikTok!
That is precisely what will enhance your account’s visibility to a wider audience.
Posting a short video daily is essential for those who create brief TikTok videos.
Conversely, content creators who prefer to produce longer TikTok videos can post them 2-3 times a week.
While some of you may believe that simply posting will guarantee you hundreds of thousands of followers, that is not the case.
Your TikTok followers desire only high-quality content.
Keep in mind that the TikTok algorithm can determine whether TikTok videos are watched to completion, if a user has followed the content creator, and it can also assess the shareability of your content.
Therefore, I strongly advise against gambling on this.
When you create videos, consider them as your first, and put forth your maximum effort into them.
3. Include a personal note in your videos
Social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok have become platforms where individuals frequently share their personal information, opinions, and emotions.
A significant portion of TikTok users consists of young individuals (around 41%), who appreciate creative and personal approaches in videos.
Therefore, I highly recommend that you pay attention and incorporate your own viewpoints and thoughts.
While famous TikTokers are often mocked and judged for their publicly expressed viewpoints, they also have a substantial audience that supports them.
Moreover, their authentic approach in videos demonstrates to their followers and others the importance of being honest with others and, most importantly, with ourselves.
Therefore, do not hesitate to share your own opinion with the audience and your followers.
Along with your engaging content, your honesty will draw many other TikTok users, who will recognize that you are genuine in a world filled with inauthenticity.
During and after the Australian fires, people anxiously commented on TikTok videos about animals fleeing from the woods impacted by the fire.
They had attempted to raise awareness that not only humans were endangered by the fires, but animals were at risk too.
Social media users expressed concern, while popular TikTok personalities attempted to assist by donating and raising awareness about the fires.
Moreover, the communities on TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook created relevant hashtags such as #australia and #prayforaustralia, which certainly contributed to saving a significant number of species from the fire.
Therefore, the entire world has witnessed what can be achieved when many TikTok celebrities and their followers genuinely unite behind a powerful idea, even during the most significant catastrophes.
4. Collaborate with other TikTokers
Once you have gained a certain number of followers who understand what to expect from you, it is time to broaden your TikTok horizons and perhaps gather some new ideas.
What better way is there to expand your horizons than by meeting and collaborating with other TikTokers?
If you find that you share common interests with other TikTokers, consider meeting them in person to discuss the possibility of a serious collaboration between the two of you.
If you partner with a TikToker who has more followers than you, and they create a video featuring you or promote you, you can anticipate a significant increase in your follower count.
Today, there are numerous popular TikTok challenges that can be performed in a duet.

Content creators often collaborate to provide a response to that, personified in short videos.
Moreover, if one person is a skilled dancer and the other produces popular new music, the possibilities are endless, as dance is one of the most popular entertainment categories on TikTok.
Regardless of whether you find fame or achieve significant success in collaborating with other content creators, don’t worry; you may still form friendships, and the collaboration could happen again.
Another form of collaboration involves providing support across various social media channels, including TikTok.
Always support TikTok accounts that share high-quality content.
Creating videos consistently is quite challenging, so it means a great deal to others when you like, share, and comment on their videos.
5. Collaborate with various brands
This is likely one of the most important aspects for every TikTok star.
The more high-quality content you post and the more videos you create, the more attractive you will become to various brands.
Although it may be challenging at first to even consider a serious collaboration, remain persistent.
First, follow some popular influencers and brands. Then, comment on and like their posts; don’t hesitate to add some hearts or emojis in the comments section.
If there is an intriguing TikTok challenge, participate in it!
Gradually, you will gain more followers, and even influencers or brands will engage in conversation with you.
Finally, you can tag brands in your posts on your TikTok profile page. After some time, if their representatives take notice, they may offer you a collaboration.
That will definitely assist your efforts to become TikTok famous.
The collaboration between a brand and a popular TikTok account is referred to as influencer marketing. In this arrangement, the influencer behind the popular account creates content specifically designed to promote the brand.
In exchange, the influencer will receive payment from the brand.
Some of our friends from TikTok claim that one can earn anywhere from a few hundred to several hundred thousand dollars per month through promotions or by occasionally sharing a weekly newsletter on this popular app.
Overall, there will be times when you are contacted, and other times when you need to reach out to brands to initiate a collaboration.
Keep in mind that large companies today recognize the significance of internet marketing, and they are prepared to invest in effective promotions.
However, before starting a collaboration with a brand, carefully consider whether the brand embodies the values you hold dear.
If it does not, it may disappoint your followers, who might even choose to unfollow you afterward.
6. Promote your TikTok page
Although TikTok has not developed advertising in the same way that other social media channels have, you can still pay to promote your page on this app.
However, keep in mind that the number of followers and the popularity of your account will not increase dramatically right away.
It will take time, particularly because advertising is still in the development phase on TikTok, unlike other platforms where it has been functioning effectively for some time now.
I recommend following hashtag challenges, as the ads associated with them tend to be more popular.
Nonetheless, when you open your TikTok app, explore the available business models related to advertising to gather more information.
Gaining fame on TikTok is challenging, so utilize other social networks, such as Instagram, to promote your TikTok profile and videos.
Be sure to include relevant hashtags when posting videos on TikTok, as they can significantly impact your reach.
In fact, that is a gratuitous method of promoting your videos.
7. Be prepared for the fact that not everyone will appreciate what you do
Even if you are the most noble individual on social media platforms, there will be people who judge and verbally attack you because of the views expressed in your videos.
As your follower count increases, you will notice that more people will criticize your actions. You must be prepared to confront that.
Many popular TikTokers frequently discuss how stressful it can be at times to engage in their activities.
To support the aforementioned thesis, I will reference the well-known TikToker Milo, who received numerous hate comments after posting a video about the challenging working conditions in call centers.
Overall, his audience was quite supportive; however, as usual, there were users who misunderstood something and criticized or verbally attacked him in the comments.
Keep in mind that if you want to become famous on TikTok, you will need to confront those comments and steer clear of a potential breaking point. Do not dwell on those comments; just continue pushing forward and creating new videos.
Always remember that there are many more followers who love you than those who hate you.
Additional Tips on How to Get Famous on TikTok

Occasionally share a humorous story
A video infused with humor is a good video.
However, an occasional humorous video where you tell a joke or share something funny is a fantastic video for us!
This is similar to the step where I advised you to incorporate personal opinions and thoughts into your video, but it is slightly different.
If you are witty in real life, use that same humor in your videos. Share a few videos where you tell jokes to your friends and let them choose the one they like the most.
Then publish it and wait for reactions.
On the other hand, if you lack confidence in telling jokes, consider learning a few, as they can serve as a type of script.
Try telling jokes to a camera several times. When you record those attempts, share them with your friends.
Eventually, they will recommend which video to post on TikTok.
Additionally, you can ask your friends to record a joke on your behalf. This is a great idea, as it could lead to both of you becoming TikTok famous.
Ask your friends to share your TikTok account
To achieve TikTok fame, you must be patient.
One simple action that can help you gain TikTok fame is to ask your friends to share your account or video in various Instagram, Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp, or Viber groups.
Therefore, friends or family of your companions will share your video further.
Overall, I hope this list has helped you organize your next steps toward achieving your dreams.
Many of these points may already be familiar to you, but I have aimed to create an organized step-by-step instruction list to assist you in becoming TikTok famous.
In conclusion, everything fundamentally relies on the quality of your videos and your personal charisma.
So, give it your best effort, be diligent, follow hashtag challenges, and put significant effort into every video you create, and the results will follow!