Twitch Achievements – 4 Basic Achievements to Get You Started

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Welcome, dear reader, to a guide that will help you complete all the achievements new streamers dream of.

After reading this article, you will have a better understanding of how Twitch achievements work, and why they are important for streamers.

Twitch Achievements are created to track the progress of your channel, and help you set goals for your streams.

Twitch Achievements Road Map

1. Phase 1: It Begins (setting up your streaming channel)
2. Phase 2: Build a Community (communicate with your followers and engage them as much as you can)
3. Phase 3: Path To Affiliate (fulfill the requirements needed for you to be eligible to sign up for Twitch’s Affiliate program)
4. Phase 4: Path to Partner (become a Twitch Partner)

For every phase, you need to meet the conditions to move further. These achievement requirements are listed in the text below.

Also, you will learn some important advice about how to make them happen.

So, let’s start and see what are even Achievements on Twitch and why you should keep an eye on them.

What Are Twitch Achievements

During the 2017 Twitchcon, Twitch announced their new features, tools designed to help streamers grow their channels, as well as be on top of their earnings and make more money.

Twitch Achievements and Stream Summary are tools that are mainly used for a better understanding of what kind of content resonates best with your audience and how it performs, and also for tracking the path to becoming a Twitch Affiliate, and then Partner.

When it comes to Twitch Achievements specifically, they are designed to track the progress of your channel, help you set goals for your streams, and also have some transparency on your Affiliate and Partner journey.

With this, it is much easier for you as a streamer to plan your next step, and be realistic with the goals you make for your future content.

Basic Achievements on Twitch

There are four paths to Achievements, and each one represents a milestone in your Twitch career.

The first one, called It Begins, is made for those who have just started streaming, and contains steps you need to make in order to get a good start for your Twitch channel.

The second one is called Build a Community and it’s there to track your viewer activity, and follower count.

The third one is called Path to Affiliate and it’s designed to track your progress and help you reach Affiliate.

And the final achievement on the Achievements page is called Path to Partner and it’s used for tracking your progress to reaching the Partner status on Twitch.

As you probably know, Affiliate and Partner status are what you need in order to be eligible to earn money from your streams, so the ability to track where you’re at is very useful to get an idea about what you need to do.

These achievements are located in the Achievements Page on your dashboard, and here’s how you access that page:

  • when you open your dashboard, click on the three horizontal lines in the top left corner of the screen
  • when the menu opens, click on Insights
  • when another smaller menu appears, click on Achievements

When that final page opens, all the achievements will be listed, and the one you have in progress will be shown.

The ones that you’ve already completed will be labeled as completed.

So, now that you know what this is generally about, let’s dive a bit deeper and see what each achievement is made for and some tips for reaching these goals smoothly.

1. It Begins

It Begins

As the name implies, this achievement is mainly there to help Twitch streamers set their careers off to a good start.

Before you reach Affiliate or Partner status, you have to have your way around the platform and be familiar with everything it has to offer.

You have to have a complete channel and be informed about your stats page.

So, if you like the idea of becoming a streamer and you think that you’ll enjoy streaming full-time, but you aren’t quite sure how to go around it, feel free to use these achievements as guides.

Now let’s see how to complete this specific one.

How To Complete The It Begins Twitch Achievement

In order to complete the It Begins achievement, there are a few steps you need to go through:

  • Start your own stream for the first time
  • Explore your dashboard
  • Update your stream title
  • Update your Category

Once you have these tasks completed, this point of your streamer career will be done and you will be off to a good start.

Most of these won’t be any trouble to do.

When it comes to starting your first stream, make sure that you schedule it and that you send links out to your close friends. This way, you will easily create an audience for your game, have viewers that count, and also you will get some honest feedback early on.

Whether they join in your games later in your career is not as important, just make sure you have some people to count on when you decide to officially start.

When it comes to updating your category, this is also a very important step since it will make it easier for viewers who might be into the games you’re playing to find you.

As already said, most of these steps are quite easy, and you will surely finish them in no time.

Don’t make the process too long and just do it!

2. Build a Community

Build a Community

Building a community is one of the favorite aspects of streaming to many Twitch streamers. Most will probably say that it’s their favorite thing for them.

Obviously, building a community will ensure that you have viewers that will always be waiting patiently for your streams, and that you will get many positive comments in the chat while you play your games, which will all lead to your streaming career being successful.

Also, your Twitch viewers can be an endless resource for content ideas, and when you listen to them, you will be sure that you’re giving your viewers what they really like to watch.

For example, by what they comment, you will know what day of the week will get you the most views and activity, so you can fill your calendar accordingly.

Here’s what you need to do to make progress on this front and have many people join your channel.

How To Complete The Build a Community Achievement

To complete this specific achievement, you only need to do two things with your channel:

  • Get 5 people to chat at the same time
  • Reach 50 followers

Compared to other streamers and channels you might watch, it can seem easy to complete this.

Getting 5 people to chat at the same time can be easy if you have 5 friends who will be willing to be your live stream viewers for some time.

And this doesn’t mean that you’ll need to force them to have a conversation while you play your game.

This is a good move because you will be naturally inclined to talk more and engage in the conversation when you know there are friendly faces behind the screen. And this will inspire them to talk more to themselves.

When it comes to the 50 followers step, the best thing you can do to help your channel is to promote it as much as you can, but on the other hand make sure that you’re not spamming anyone, as that can end up giving the opposite result.

Use your social media profiles to your advantage, stream as much as you can during the week, and you will reach this number eventually.

Once you finish this achievement, you will have the ability to grant VIP status to some of your viewers.

3. Path To Affiliate

Path To Affiliate

Becoming an Affiliate is probably the main goal most people have when they create a Twitch channel.

You might not know this, but being an Affiliate and having a partnership are not the same thing.

They are both related to earning money from streaming, but having a partnership is kind of a higher tier of that.

Of course, before that, you will need to get affiliated first. This achievement is what you should follow during that process.

How To Complete The Path To Affiliate

Within this achievement, there are four main steps you need to finish.

Once you do, you will be eligible to sign up for Twitch’s Affiliate program.

Here are the steps:

  • Reach 50 followers
  • Stream for 8 hours
  • Stream on 7 different days
  • Have an average of 3 viewers

An important thing to remember is that these are time-based achievements, and in order to gain eligibility for the program, you must do all of the above within 30 days.

The main advice when it comes to this point of the journey would probably be to plan ahead and schedule everything you can.

Being chaotic may seem fun to you, but if you have big goals for your Twitch career, you have to be organized.

Schedule your activities on days when you know most people will show up, and don’t forget to share your plans with your followers via social media.

This will help your stats, and people will know when to access your content without having to search much.

And finally, try not to hesitate too much and simply just do what needs to be done.

P.S. You won’t become an Affiliate automatically after completing the Path to Affiliate, you will still have to sign up for it, this will only help you know when you’ve become eligible.

4. Path To Partner

Path To Partner

Becoming a Partner is the final step you have to make in your Twitch career, and this achievement is there to help you track your progress.

Before I get into what you need to do to achieve this status, just remember that completing this achievement won’t automatically make you a partner, you will still need to apply for it.

And even then, being eligible to apply doesn’t guarantee anything, as applications need to be reviewed manually before someone is granted this status.

How To Complete The Path To Partner

To complete this achievement and become eligible for the partnership program, you will have to complete 3 steps:

  • Stream for 25 hours
  • Stream on 12 different days
  • Have an average of 75 viewers

You need to achieve all of the above during a 30-day period, so once you decide that it’s time to work on this, you really need to get into it.

The best advice here is similar to the one regarding becoming an Affiliate, you need to organize your time and be consistent, as well as work on the promotion.

But don’t be too annoying with the promotion, as that is a big error and will not make you seem cool.

Besides making sure that you stream a lot, make your streams worth the while and work on the quality as well as quantity, make a balance of the two.

Once you do that and create a stable and dedicated audience, it will become way easier to come close to becoming a Partner.


How do I see my Twitch achievements?

To see the progress on your achievements, you have to go to the Achievements Page. Go to your dashboard, click on the three horizontal lines in the top left corner of the screen, click on Insights, and then on Achievements. Here, you will see your progress, what you’ve already done and what you yet need to do.

Can you lose affiliate on Twitch?

Yes, you can lose the affiliate status on Twitch. This usually happens when a channel doesn’t remain at all active during a whole year, or when someone violates some of the terms and regulations.

How do you get 3 Twitch viewers on average?

Having 3 viewers on average means that you always have at least 3 viewers active whenever you stream. The best way to achieve this is to have some friends be your audience to start with.

Of course, you can’t only depend on that, but while you gather a bigger audience, this could be a good safety net. An easy way to connect with people is to have an active Twitter account where you will share your interests and also your streams.

Do Twitch affiliates get paid?

Yes, Twitch Affiliates get paid. You get 50% percent of your sub revenue, the bits that people send to you, as well as the 100% of the amount that people donate to your channel. To have a payout, you have to earn at least $100.

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Dyami Rodriguez

Hey! I'm Phantom and welcome to the boo crew, I love making content for spooky games or honestly even FPS. I hope to be able to interact with all of you (especially you…you reading there..(: ) Come check out my streams! A follow wouldn't hurt anyone either (; Stay ghastly and keep it nasty!

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