Streaming AI – How AI Improved Streaming in 2024?

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You’ve probably heard about artificial intelligence being used on different social media sites for things like voice recognition, facial recognition, and just algorithms in general.

Did you know that even video streaming and creating video content is probably going to be highly impacted by this technology?

Many things are different from human intelligence in AI, and there are quite a few things to know about machine learning algorithms and how they will impact streaming platforms and video-sharing services, so let’s dive into streaming AI and its benefits.

AI, Machine Learning, Deep Learning – What Are The Differences?

Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning are concepts that tend to be used interchangeably in everyday conversation. However, they do not mean the same thing, and in order to understand them, you should first learn to differentiate them.

The main thing that is the topic right now is AI, so let’s start from there.

Artificial intelligence usually stands for the actions of smart machines, like correctly identifying patterns and having better control of big data than a human would.

Mainly, it focuses on abilities like reasoning, sensing, adapting, and acting, which are various functions usually associated with people.

On the other hand, machine learning is something that’s a bit more complex than AI.

When it’s said that a machine has “learned” something, it refers to the ability of machines to pick up knowledge after being exposed to it.

So, in a way, AI involves training and direct commands, while machine learning mostly means that machines become able to get the general idea from learning patterns and don’t need explicit instructions.

And finally, there is deep learning.

deep learning

This is something that involves artificial neural networks.

These machines have technologies that mimic the human brain by having a lot of interconnected nodes, similar to neurons in a human brain.

Thanks to this, information is being delivered and transported through said network.

There are multiple layers to this type of machine; hence the “deep” in the name and the main functions that can be done are natural language processing, image recognition, and voice recognition.

However, artificial intelligence is a broad term, and that term covers all of the above-stated concepts, and that’s the main reason why it’s been used so interchangeably and why it’s generally okay to use it that way.

Reasons Why Streaming Services Need AI

AI isn’t something that people relate to social media, and most think that it’s reserved for robotics; the truth is that all computer programs and different services online integrate AI in one way or another, so streaming services and video streaming, in general, aren’t much different.

The first thing that streaming platforms can benefit from after having AI integrated into them is the ability to be aware of and control video content that shows things that shouldn’t be broadcasted, like sexual assault or car incidents, which have been broadcasted online.

Using streaming for sharing such content has become increasingly popular, and unfortunately, people respond in not only negative ways but positive ones, too, and sometimes it can be beyond human control to perform tasks that are needed at the exact moment.

That’s why future development of these platforms might increase the integration of artificial intelligence. You’ve seen what ChatGPT did in the last 3 months, and there’s only just one bit of what it can do.

People are using all sorts of prompts to boost their branding game, so who knows…

While IRL streaming can be fun as a general concept, sometimes the IRL situations that end up being broadcasted aren’t the things that should be live streamed.

Live Streaming And Privacy Issues

One of the main issues content creators of all kinds tend to have is the way the audience sometimes forms a very intimate relationship with them, despite knowing them only through the screen.

While these types of parasocial relationships have become more relevant with the rise of YouTubers, bloggers, and streamers, they aren’t really a new concept and have existed ever since famous people have.

However, before, it was more of a scalable way that these things used to happen, and nowadays, it can get out of control.

There were multiple instances where fans came to the doorstep of different streamers, and it ended up being very hard to explain to them why this was inappropriate.

Because streamers usually show a lot of their life, people feel welcome and cross boundaries that shouldn’t be crossed.

Being a popular Twitch streamer and live streaming a lot of your daily life definitely blurs those boundaries even more.

amouranth stalker

That’s how for example, a very popular female streamer Amouranth was continuously stalked by a person who sold all his stuff to move to her town. She had to hire security because the creep was threatening her.

As I already mentioned, social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and other video-sharing services sometimes fail to stop videos of crime from being viral, so privacy invasion happens not only to streamers but also to these victims that never consented to be broadcasted.

This is another layer of trauma, in addition to being a victim of a crime like a car accident, for example.

Censorship Done With Object Detection

Things like language processing, language translation, and object identification have been mostly used for entertainment purposes, but in recent years, the potential for practical and safety benefits has risen significantly.

This can be useful in many fields, but content regulation is definitely the one that will have a vital role in how live streaming as an activity works and how live streaming services are organized.

While a lot of social media platforms had a powerful tool for spam filtering and flagging content, there wasn’t much that could guarantee that something would be done with that content or to the people who were making it.

It’s a well-known fact that a better response is needed from these companies.

Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning are the things that should improve this.

With artificial intelligence, it will become possible to extract metadata easily and interpret content both faster and better, no matter what video quality said content has.

With this type of analysis and technology, fewer people will have access to this type of content until it finally becomes impossible to have it broadcasted in the first place.

Will Content Filtering Improve User Experience?

Besides the impact AI can have on serious issues and who has access and can watch past experiences of traumatic events, it can be used for making smarter algorithms.

It’s already being used that way, and it will only become better.

The platform that is best known for having an insanely good algorithm is TikTok, and while people can complain about it being so personalized that it becomes addictive, it can’t be denied that it’s an amazing invention for AI to be that good.

streaming services

Besides TikTok, music streaming services are another type of app that customers like for being personalized.

All of us love having playlists that are self-made; however, with the process of recognizing the style, pitch, tempo, and vocal progressions of songs, these apps start to curate new playlists for you that are even better.

The same goes for movies and all other forms of entertainment, including streaming and videos that are recommended to you.

Streaming AI Technology And Copyright Regulations

You probably remember the good old days when there would be videos on YouTube full of well-known songs without any issues occurring.

Nowadays, due to copyright regulations, this is not something that’s ever been seen.

But, there is room for improvement even when it comes to that, and AI is the way how this process will become even more precise.

These solutions are well-known on sites like YouTube, but they will become even more useful when live streaming.

The AI in this aspect still hasn’t been perfected, and the solutions have a long way to go, but it will undoubtedly affect the way live streams are done.

Artificial Intelligence And Encoding

Artificial Intelligence And Encoding

Encoding is crucial for regulating video quality and ensuring that costs are minimized, and bandwidth is saved.

AI can also help improve that.

Both Netflix and YouTube are using machine learning and neural networks alike in order to make the best out of their video content, and it’s going to become even more widely spread to do this, including live streaming services like Twitch.


While AI has been highly developed in recent years, and there are no doubts that it will become even better, it’s still full of different issues.

There are a lot of risks involved, like different levels of bias that can occur, because even though these programs are pretty good at working by themselves, it’s still people that are giving voice commands and typing their codes.

AI is also an endless resource for quite philosophical debates regarding morals, and a lot of these issues need to be worked on.

However, no matter which way the development of AI ends up going, the changes it can bring, and is already bringing to live streaming, are really great benefits to have.


How is AI used in streaming services?

There are different ways to use AI in streaming services. Mainly, it can be used for creating personalized algorithms, as well as censorship and dealing with harmful content and copyright infringement.

What AI is used on Netflix?

Netflix is using a type of machine learning called VMAF, which stands for Video Multimethod Assessment Fusion, and it’s used for properly encoding videos.

It also uses AI for recommending shows depending on what you have been watching.

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Stefan Mitrovic

Stefan is a long-time content creator and one of the Stream Mentor's co-founders. He's a tech geek and a Dota 2 player (not even a good one) who wanted to help others become professional streamers and earn from the comfort of their home.