If you are a regular on Twitch, you have likely noticed the purple octagonal symbol with a white tick, which is commonly seen next to well-known streamers on the platform. These marks indicate verified streamers who have partnered with Twitch.

What does it mean to be verified? What benefits does it provide? How can you get verified on Twitch?
There are 3 simple steps and requirements you need to meet.
Step 1: Reach Twitch Affiliate Status
To reach Twitch Affiliate status, you need to meet 4 requirements:
- Stream for 500 hours in the last 30 days;
- Do at least 7 streams in the last 30 days;
- Have at least 3 viewers on average during those 30 days;
- Reach a total of 50 followers.
Step 2: Complete “Path to Partner” Achievement
To get a Twitch Partner status, there are 3 requirements you need to meet:
- Total of 25 hours streamed in the past 30 days;
- Stream on 12 different days in a month;
- Have at least 75 viewers on average during those 30 days.
Step 3: Apply for Twitch Partner Program
Once you meet all the requirements, Twitch Partner status still isn’t guaranteed. You need to apply to join a Partner program, and your application will be reviewed by Twitch. Be patient, because it can take up to 7 business days before the decision is made.
Anyone can join by becoming verified and start earning money doing what they love, and that is what you will learn in this article!

Table of Contents
How to Get Verified on Twitch – Basics
First things first: you need to partner with Twitch before considering verification.
Before we proceed, you need to become an affiliate to partner with Twitch. Fortunately, fulfilling the basic requirements for both is not complicated once you get your gig started.
Depending on your level of commitment, you may fall into one of three categories:

The higher you ascend, the more engaged you will become, and you will need to meet the demands established by Twitch. In return, you can anticipate significant benefits regarding popularity and earning potential.
Step 1: Becoming an Affiliate
All the well-known streamers on Twitch had to begin somewhere, and becoming an affiliate is the initial step that distinguishes you from regular streamers. This is the first step toward becoming Twitch verified.
Before joining this vast community of content creators, you must meet a specific set of criteria that will demonstrate you have what it takes to stand out from the average streamers. This includes the following:
As you might expect, the greatest challenge is building a sufficiently large following, which can be tedious even if you have an original idea that people will enjoy watching.
To address this issue, it is common practice among new streamers to purchase and incentivize followers.

It requires a great deal of dedication to distinguish yourself from the competition, which is why services like Twitch Followers are a popular choice for those seeking to enhance their following.
Once you have established the foundations for growing a successful streaming channel, be sure to check your inbox, as Twitch will send you an invitation within a week or two to become an affiliate.
Once you enter this phase, you will need to complete an administrative task that is as follows:
Once you have completed all of these formalities, you will have the opportunity to earn revenue through Twitch Bits, Subscribers, and Ads.
The benefits will also be evident for your followers, who will begin earning Channel Points!
While the advantages of being an affiliate are certainly significant, why stop there? The next major step is to capture Twitch’s attention again and become a partner!
Step 2: Reaching the Top and Achieving Twitch Verification
Before you ask “how to get verified on Twitch,” there is a crucial step you must complete before reaching the final stage of Twitch verification.
Applying to the partnership program is a significant advancement, even for an affiliate, as only the elite members of the Twitch community who show a genuine passion for their work can access the networking and income benefits outlined below.

First and foremost, you need high-quality content, a loyal viewer base, and an organized output that meets the criteria for partnership consideration, which includes:
Essentially, being accepted as a partner to the service answers the question “How to get verified on Twitch,” as having your partnership application approved indicates that you have reached the highest levels of the community.
Becoming a partner guarantees you VIP treatment across the entire platform. However, it’s important to remember that as part of the partnership program you establish with Twitch, you cannot stream on other platforms, and you must maintain exemplary conduct.
If, for any reason, you face rejection, don’t lose hope! Many now-famous verified streamers encountered rejections the first and, at times, the second time around. So, feel free to ask the platform’s management what you can improve to ultimately achieve your desired goal!
However, remember that you can always earn money without partnering with Twitch.
Getting Twitch Verified – Tips & Tricks
Obtaining Twitch verification and earning that coveted badge is a privilege that not every streamer can attain. However, it is certainly achievable for most dedicated streamers who provide valuable content.
During the verification process for partnering with Twitch (a requirement for becoming verified), you and your content must meet several quality standards that focus on a few key questions about you as a streamer:
The already precise criteria further elaborate on Twitch’s thorough evaluation of each partnership case. As a result, even channels with a large and dedicated audience may remain affiliates for years before their applications are reconsidered.
Tips on How to Get Verified on Twitch and Maintain Your Status
1. Make sure to engage with your followers and acknowledge their loyalty.
2. Include valuable subscription benefits – Satisfied followers are your most important marketing asset.
3. Select a game that is not widely streamed on Twitch—this will establish your channel as a unique niche, helping it stand out from the competition while enhancing the overall value you offer as a potential partner.
4. Whenever you stream, ensure that your behavior aligns with community standards and goes beyond them – as an elite contributor to the platform, you are expected to exemplify the type of community the user base aspires to create.
5. Organize yourself and keep your viewers and followers informed about your future streams—this is highly beneficial for building a consistent viewer base, as your organized approach exudes a sense of professionalism.
6. Get to know your fellow streamers – the community is continually growing, and communication, whether with the big-named stars of Twitch or your average occasional streamer, is always encouraged. So, don’t hesitate to reach out.
7. Continuously work to enhance your content and your channel – it’s obvious that the more you aim for improvement, the greater your chances of being chosen as a partner.
8. Follow the terms of service. While there is no guarantee of acceptance even if you comply with all the rules and meet all the criteria, your chances are significantly improved by adhering to them.
Please note that, based on information from May 2018, the Twitch community had approximately 2.2 million broadcasters and 15 million active users on the platform, while only 27,000 channels were directly partnered with Twitch. This highlights how rare it is to be a verified member of this vast community.
While this may seem like a daunting task given the numerous requirements set by the platform, it is important to understand how close you are to obtaining the Twitch verified badge based on your performance.
Twitch has a dedicated and disciplined community eager to help you reach the top, provided you have the potential to contribute value to the expanding community. If you invest in your content and your character, you will earn the badge in no time!