As Twitch gains popularity, streamers seek new ways to stand out and engage their audiences.
Unfortunately for them, it is a challenging task, as there are not many factors that can help you stand out from the multitude of Twitch streamers.
Emotes can assist you with that issue.
Specifically, if you have a variety of new, interesting, and unique emotes, you will undoubtedly stand out, become recognizable on Twitch, and enhance your chat.
Emotes are extremely helpful for building a community on Twitch, so it is beneficial to have as many Twitch emotes as possible for various reasons.
You can collect new Twitch emotes or design your own and add them to your channel. Here is how you can do that:
1. Collect subscriber points (full guide below)
2. Install Twitch extensions
3. Take part in a Hype Train Twitch activity
4. Install Global Twitch emotes browser extension
5. Collect Twitch Channel points
Creating Custom Emotes
You can design your own emotes using the Creator Dashboard option if you have enough time and skill. But remember that you need to fulfill Twitch’s guidelines regarding their size, format, and what they are visualizing.
Table of Contents
How to Get More Emotes on Twitch?
To obtain emotes on Twitch, you must have either partner or affiliate status.
After that, you can collect new Twitch emotes or even create and add your own emotes on Twitch.
Obtaining more emotes on Twitch can be challenging, but there are several methods available for you to choose from, allowing you to select the one that best fits your needs.
We have, of course, analyzed all these methods, gathered information, and compiled a list of them.
Instead of spending the entire day searching for ways to get more Twitch emotes, you can find all the information you need by reading this text, so be sure to do that.
1. Collect Subscriber Points
Subscriber points, or sub points, are a type of currency that Twitch streamers can use to unlock emote slots.
Afterward, these emote slots can be occupied by various emotes.
Therefore, when you become an Affiliate, you will receive one empty slot, and the more subscribers you have, the more emotes you will be allowed to have.
This approach allows you to begin developing your Twitch channel and Twitch community, while also unlocking 4 sub badges for your subscribers.
A Twitch streamer earns a specific number of points based on the subscriber’s tier.
If a subscriber is Tier 1, the streamer will receive 1 point for that subscription.
A Tier 2 subscription provides 2 points to a streamer, while the most valuable option, a Tier 3 subscription, grants a streamer 6 sub points.
As previously mentioned, you receive your first slot upon becoming an Affiliate.
Your next emote slot will be unlocked after you collect 15 points, and once you reach 50 points, you will have a total of 5 emote slots.
One of the great features that Twitch introduced was a special badge for the first ten subscribers to any channel.
In this way, you will acquire 2/3 of the subscribers required to unlock the second slot, and your subscribers will have a compelling reason to be among the first to subscribe, as they will receive that special badge.
To access a greater number of slots and subscribers, you must achieve partner status on Twitch.
Therefore, if you become a partner, your first 6 emote slots will be unlocked automatically, and the remaining slots will unlock after you accumulate specific amounts of points.
Specifically, you will require 65 points for the 7th slot, 125 points for the 10th slot, 500 points for the 20th slot, and so on.
Finally, the maximum number of slots you can unlock is 60, and for the 60th slot, you will need to collect 10,000 points.
Re-subs and Lifetime Subscribers
Many Twitch users proposed the idea of re-subscribing to earn more sub points.
The concept is that when you subscribe to a specific channel, that channel earns subscriber points. Then, if you cancel your subscription and subscribe again later, that channel is expected to receive additional subscriber points.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way.
Specifically, a streamer receives a subscriber point for each subscription, but once that subscription is canceled, the point is removed.
This approach has allowed Twitch to prevent this type of fraud involving re-subs and subscriber points.
Nevertheless, it is important to emphasize that even if you lose subscriber points when a subscription is canceled, you will not lose the emote slot you have previously unlocked, regardless of losing subscriber points.
In summary, subscriber points can be lost; however, once a slot is unlocked, it remains permanently unlocked, regardless of any circumstances.
Another intriguing role on Twitch is that of lifetime subscribers.
First, a channel must have partner status to access this lifetime subscriber option.
Secondly, one streamer receives only 3 lifetime subscriptions that he can grant to any follower of his choice.
Therefore, since you receive only 3 of them, you need to think carefully about whom you want to grant these lifetime subscriptions.
Regarding subscriber points for a lifetime subscription, a streamer receives them based on the level of subscription they donate to, and the number of points awarded corresponds to that subscription level.
Specifically, if the streamer donates a Tier 3 subscription, he will receive Tier 3 subscription points, while the viewer will enjoy Tier 3 benefits.
2. Install Twitch Extensions
There are several browser extensions that enable you to add emotes to your Twitch channel.
Although those emotes are not official Twitch emotes, many Twitch users still choose them because they are quite easy to obtain.
Simply download and install the extension, then log in to your Twitch channel and select the emotes you wish to add.
The two most popular browser extensions for adding emotes are BetterTwitchTV and FrankerFaceZ.
These extensions are easy to install. When you want to activate them, simply go to your channel, open the “Chat Settings” menu, click on the “BetterTTV Settings” option, and ensure that you have set the “BetterTTV Emotes,” “BetterTTV Emote Menu,” “BetterTTV GIF Emotes,” and “FrankerFaceZ Emotes” options to on.
BetterTwitchTV (BTTV)

BetterTwitchTV is available for download on Microsoft Edge, Safari, Opera, Firefox, and Chrome, making it compatible with all major browsers.
The reason many people on Twitch use this extension is that Better Twitch TV emotes are so impressive that sometimes it’s hard to distinguish between the official Twitch emotes and BTTV emotes.
Additionally, some BetterTwitchTv emotes have been incorporated into Twitch’s official emotes.
With BTTV, you will have access to a more extensive menu that includes all the global emotes offered by BTTV, along with your collection of subscriber emotes.
In addition to that, BTTV also provides theater mode, a blacklist for words, animated emotes, and numerous other intriguing options.
FrankerFaceZ (FFZ)

FFZ library provides over 200,000 emotes, and streamers can submit their own custom emotes to this library. However, FFZ typically reviews and approves emotes before accepting them.
Similar to BTTV, FFZ provides a range of special features for Twitch users, including tabbed Twitch chats, clickable links, and much more.
3. Participate in a Hype Train
Hype Train is an engaging feature that Twitch introduced in January 2020.
It activates when a Twitch streamer receives a higher number of subscribers and donations.
Afterward, other viewers continue to subscribe and donate Bits to fill the Hype-O-Meter.
The more viewers contribute to this Hype-O-Meter, the higher the Hype Train will reach.
Finally, once the process is complete, each participant in this action receives one emote that was discovered in the final level reached by the Hype Train.
Finally, while the Hype Train can provide you with some truly unique and cool Twitch emotes, we must emphasize that participating in this activity is not free.
4. Install Global Twitch Emotes
Global Twitch Emotes is a browser extension that transforms any text matching a specific Twitch emote into the corresponding emote itself.
This extension allows you to use emotes from BTTV and FFZ, enhancing interaction among Twitch users to a higher level.
Additionally, these Twitch global emotes can be used on other channels and on websites like Discord or Reddit, where users often build communities.
Finally, it is important to note that this Global Twitch Extension is available only for Chrome and Opera.
5. Collect Channel Points
Channel Points are a type of currency on Twitch that can be redeemed for various rewards, including emotes.
Channel Points can be earned by watching a stream for multiple consecutive days, participating in raids, or following a streamer.
You can earn additional points for watching if you are subscribed to the channel where you are viewing the stream.
It is important to note that you can collect Channel Points only from channels that are Partners or Affiliates.
In the bottom-left corner of the Twitch chat menu, you will find the purple icon, where you can check the number of Channel Points you have collected.
Once you have accumulated enough, you can exchange them for Twitch emotes.
Creating Your Own Custom Emotes
In addition to all the options mentioned in the text, you can also design and upload custom personal emotes for your channel using the Creator Dashboard feature.
However, not everyone is able to upload custom emotes.
To achieve this, your channel must have a Partner or Affiliate status, and certain conditions must be met for those custom emotes.
One of these conditions pertains to emote sizes.
Your emote must be a square image with dimensions between 112×112 and 4096×4096 pixels, and its maximum file size is 1MB.
You can also choose the manual mode and upload the file in three different sizes: 112×112, 56×56, and 28×28 pixels.
Additionally, the emote must be in .png format.
There are specific content criteria for custom personal emotes; therefore, portrayals of violence, hate, or any form of harassment are prohibited.
Of course, you can create your personal channel emotes on your own. However, if you prefer a more professional touch, there are several places where you can find talented designers.
1. Locating them on Twitch
First of all, you can discover excellent designers on Twitch.
They could be some of your viewers or possibly individuals from another channel who possess design skills.
Rather than paying them for creating emotes, you might consider repaying them with a different type of collaboration in the future.
2. Fiverr
You can find numerous professional or semi-professional emote designers on Fiverr.
Many popular streamers on Twitch hire designers from Fiverr, with the average cost for one emote being approximately $15.
3. Own3d
On this site, you can find emote packs and the emote maker, which allows you to create emotes yourself.
The minimum price for one emote on this site is around $5, while the maximum price per emote is about $24.
Tips for Designing
Custom Emotes Approval
After creating your personal emotes, you will need to obtain Twitch’s approval before introducing them.
The approval process takes about 48 hours; however, if you submit your request shortly before the holiday season, you may experience longer wait times.
However, if your channel has been a Partner or an Affiliate for at least 60 days and is in good standing, you may be able to upload emotes without Twitch’s approval.
Once your emote is approved, simply click the smiley face icon in the chat, and your new emote will appear alongside all the other available emotes.
Frequently Asked Questions
How many emotes can I get?
Partners and Affiliates can have a different number of emotes and emote slots. Twitch Affiliates can get up to 5 Twitch emotes while Twitch Partners can unlock up to 60 emotes. Additionally, Affiliates can have one emote for all subscribers and two emotes each for $9.99 and $24.99 tier subscribers. Twitch Partners start with 6 emote slots but that number can increase to the maximum of 60 emote slots if they have enough viewers and subscribers.
What is the difference between a global and channel emote?
Global emotes are emotes that every Twitch user can use, while channel emotes are some channel’s special emotes and they can be unlocked by subscribing to that channel.
What are sub emotes?
Sub emotes are emoticons that streamers can make available to their communities after they have become Affiliates on Twitch.
Whichever method you choose to obtain emotes, you will soon discover how enjoyable the process of acquiring free emotes can be.
Finally, we assure you that acquiring new and diverse additional emotes will enhance your reputation on Twitch and enrich your chat. Designing and introducing your own custom emotes will aid in building a community, and as your community expands, your channel will become stronger and more popular.