Copypasta content is no longer a myth; it can be easily shared online and reused for years, even decades. However, sharing a copypasta in Twitch chat can sometimes be confusing, particularly for Twitch members who are encountering it for the first time.
As an experienced Twitch streamer for five years, I will explain the Twitch copypasta in a simple and straightforward manner, and I will provide answers to some of the most common questions on this topic.
Let’s explore copypasta together, its purpose on Twitch, how you can use it online, and what the most popular copypasta on Twitch is.
Table of Contents
What is a Copypasta?
It encompasses a diverse range of text, quotes, memes, images, and even videos that can be easily shared on the internet.
This content is frequently used as messages in chat rooms, typically beginning as inside jokes.
Their running speed begins slowly until they start to spread like a forest wildfire, eventually becoming copypasta.
The purpose of copypasta is to be humorous, yet it often becomes quite annoying.
A copypasta can sometimes be confusing for beginners, but it can also be very entertaining for a good streamer. Occasionally, some users engage in arguments over a shared text, and other viewers often find this amusing.
A good word spreads quickly, while a bad word spreads even faster.
What is a Twitch Copypasta?
It consists of quotes, memes, messages, pictures, and even videos that viewers post in a chat to elicit reactions from others.
These posts can consist of lengthy texts, a true story, or brief phrases that accurately convey the current situation. Occasionally, they may represent a genuine failure, yet they can still be shared.
People who start using them often wonder whether they are spam, as they occur in the middle of a game.
They can also be quite annoying, serving as a real pain in the ear, because they can influence your current actions and cause your game to falter.
How Did a Copypasta on Twitch Become Popular?

A copypasta chain on Twitch spreads quickly because the two primary commands, copy and paste, are the most commonly used options on a computer.
If viewers enjoy a post, they can easily click on a new channel to see how others are reacting.
Today, it is very easy to copy and paste content since many Twitch channels provide access to Chants.
With the Chant, users can share memes and messages in the chat while playing the game. Viewers simply need to join the chat and exchange messages with others.
As I have already mentioned, words spread quickly, and many of them often become legendary. They are shared repeatedly.
True fans always have quality content prepared in advance because they are frequently copied onto a clipboard.
Many of them are well-prepared for the iconic moment that could happen at any minute now.
How to Use Twitch Copypasta?
Twitch copypasta isn’t a boogeyman. So, let’s clarify something: there is no incorrect way to share messages and memes.
However, the best way to begin is to stay the course. This way, you can explain the situation occurring in the stream.
The primary objective is to be humorous or to find humor in the current situation. Remember that you can share inside jokes with the entire team, but it’s also important to respect others.
I cannot deny that they can sometimes be associated with insulting words, but the Twitch team takes its Privacy Policy and Terms of Service very seriously.
A Twitch account that shares offensive memes will be permanently banned.
That is something you can anticipate occurring.
Top Copy-Paste Messages on Twitch
1. ASCII Art
This is the most commonly used message on Twitch. It is a text art that can be easily saved to your clipboard. Many people consider it useless, and it is often deleted or banned.
2. Among Us
It is primarily used among esports participants. It refers to an in-game action in which a player is sent into space, resulting in the death of their game character.
It consists of an Enter Space that must be replaced with an individual’s name.
3. Chat Pyramids
It is regarded as an annoying message that is composed of nouns and an emote arranged in a pyramidal shape.
Is Copypasta Spam in Twitch Chat?
It is considered spamming because they are constantly repeated. Humorous messages are typically copied and pasted in chats to elicit laughter or provoke others during a stream, which occurs more frequently.
In addition to its entertaining aspect, it also serves as a form of distraction for viewers while streaming. It can be both annoying and enjoyable simultaneously.
Watching someone become angry can be truly entertaining.
Most Popular Copypastas on Twitch
Keep in mind that Twitch has been shaping its history for over ten years, and it has numerous posts that have become integral to the vibrant Twitch chat culture.
Here are some of the most popular copypastas on Twitch.

1. “Friendly” Roast
Remember Sarah, the girl you had a crush on? Well, we’re married now. I earn over 200k a year and drive a Mustang GT. I suppose some things never change, huh loser? It was nice catching up, lol. Pathetic… A bit oddly specific and somewhat aggressive, isn’t it?
2. Angry Person No. 1
Annoying kappas and pointless memes posted six years ago. Antipasta, I log on to Twitch TV to chat with people and watch a good streamer, but you all spam the chat with your annoying kappas and unfunny memes that don’t even make me chuckle. I don’t even find your jokes amusing. Forget you, and if you copy this message, I will report each one of you.
3. Angry Person No. 2
Wow, I log on to Twitch TV to chat with people and watch a good streamer, but then you all spam the chat with your annoying kappas and silly memes that aren’t even funny. I don’t even chuckle at your terrible jokes. Forget you, and if you copy this message, I’m reporting each one of you.
4. Pacer Test
The 20-meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Please line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly but increases each minute after you hear this signal. [beep] A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. [ding] Remember to run in a straight line and continue running for as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test will be over. The test will begin on the word “start.” On your mark, get ready, start.
5. Astley Paradox
If you ask Rick Astley for a DVD of the movie Up, he won’t give it to you because he’s never gonna give you Up. However, by not giving you Up as you requested, he’s letting you down. This is known as the Astley paradox.
6. Breakup
The breakup babe, I’m breaking up with you. It’s not you; you were poggers. It’s me; I’m omegalul. I’m sorry if this is pepehands, but it has to be done. I’ve just been feeling pepega, and our relationship has been weirdchamp for months. It’s time to end it, no kappa.
7. Today, my 12-year-old and I walked into Harvard
Today, my 12-year-old and I walked into Harvard to enroll him in college. The dean rudely questioned why a 12-year-old was signing up for such a prestigious institution. My son replied, “Well, you see, sir, I watch Starcraft.” The dean attempted to apologize, but the police rushed in and removed him. My son passed all his classes with 4.0s and graduated from magnet school on the first day of college.
8. Oh no, mustard!
Original Aww, mustard! Come on, man, don’t put any mustard on that; you need to add a little seasoning to that thing! WHAT! Man, come on, get that pepper off there! Somebody, come get this man! Come on now, boy, get that pepper off there; that’s just too much doggone pepper. I don’t want to see this anymore!
9. Be Like a Bee!
According to all known laws of aviation, a bee should not be able to fly. Its wings are too small to lift its fat little body off the ground. However, the bee flies anyway because it does not care what humans consider impossible. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black.
10. Should We Exclude Jerma From Our Gay Wedding?
My boyfriend and I have been discussing our plans to get married in the next year or so, once it is safe. We are serious about this decision, and we absolutely want to ensure that TOTAL PSYCHOPATH Jerma does NOT attend our wedding.
11. Respect Intellectuals

Ladies and gentlemen, I recently lost my job and am currently unemployed. Twitch chat has been my refuge and source of comfort during this time. However, I come to this stream today and what do I see? An excessive amount of copypasting nonsense. Please, show respect for the intellectuals present here.
12. Do You Remember Tanner?
So you’re going by “[Enter name]” now, nerd? Haha, what’s up, d***** bag? It’s Tanner from school. Remember me?
13. Why waste money?
Sex can be addictive, similar to drugs. You spend your money on sex, while masturbation is free!
14. Snitches get stitches
If I were killed, I would definitely inform my team about who the killer was. The objective is for the crew to identify the impostor. If you are part of the crew, you should share what you know. If you’re not willing to do that, you are essentially sabotaging the team. So, why bother completing tasks if you don’t want to win? End of discussion.
15. Shungite
Does anyone know what shungite is? No, not Suge Knight; I believe he’s incarcerated. I’m referring to shungite. Anyway, it’s a two-billion-year-old rock that protects against frequencies and unwanted signals that may be traveling through the air.
16. Who is Arteezy?
Who is ARTEEZY? In math: my solution ➗ In history: my KING In art: my canvas In science: my oxygen In geography: my world My name is Artour Babaev. Sorry for my poor English. I grew up on a small farm where I grew potatoes.
17. “Don’t ever smoke,” my mother said to me.
‘Never smoke. Please don’t subject your family to what your grandfather put us through.’
I genuinely hope that this brief guide to Twitch Copypasta is helpful for everyone who is using it for the first time.
However, I also hope that it proves to be very useful for users who have prior experience with Twitch Copypasta.
To conclude this reading, please refer to the FAQ section below to learn more about Copypastas in Twitch chat.
What is a Copypasta on Twitch?
A Twitch copypasta is a type of text, memes, quotes, or pictures posted in a streamer’s chat to provoke some reactions between users in the Twitch chat, or, simply, to have fun. It can be considered as a joke, or a provocation, depending on its purpose. However, the main purpose is to have fun and spread some of the most amazing moments among Twitch users.
Why are they called Copypastas?
It has nothing to do with food. It is just an etymology thing. Two already well-known terms, copy and paste, have brought a completely fresh meaning when they are one. This popular term got its first appearance back in 2004 by 4chan.
How do you copy text on Twitch?
Copy text on Twitch is easy and it isn’t a big mystery. All you have to do is to go on Twitch and look for a Twitch live channel. You will notice a video chat room on your right side. Just copy-paste the message you can see, but don’t forget to copy just the first message you are looking at, not the username.
How do you make a copy of pasta?
Here is the best way how you make a copy of pasta using your clipboard step by step. There are two main buttons on your copypasta. One is copy, the other is pasta. Let’s suppose that you want to copy and paste a picture. Do the right-click. Search and select the option Copy, then the option Pasta. In the left corner, search for a folder CopyPasta where all copied and pasted content will be saved, so you can manage it easily.