Twitch challenges are regarded as the best method to connect a specific streamer or influencer with their community, enhancing their reach and, consequently, the revenue they earn from the streaming platform by accumulating channel points.
Creating a Twitch challenge is the best way to interact with the community, entertain them, and involve them in your activities. It can be both fun and profitable stream.
The Best Ideas For Twitch Community Challenges
1. Dance-off Challenges
2. Charity Challenge
3. Physical Challenges
4. The Surprise Me Challenge
5. The Trolling Twitch Challenges
6. The Twitch Quiz Challenge
7. Giveaway Challenge
8. The Eating Challenge
9. The Funny Video Twitch Challenges
That being said, starting a Twitch community challenge isn’t easy, particularly if you need to come up with your own idea.
As a result, I have decided to create a guide featuring some effective ideas for community challenges, along with recommendations on the number of Twitch channel points you should target.
Before initiating a Twitch community challenge, there are several key aspects you should plan for. First, you need to determine how many points the challenge will require. This decision is typically influenced by the size of your fanbase.
Afterward, you should ensure that you have enjoyable rewards for your viewers. This, too, is influenced by the fanbase; however, this time, it will depend on the social group to which your most loyal viewers belong.
Finally, ensure that the challenge objective is enjoyable and inclusive, as this will motivate your audience to watch you and, in turn, expand your reach.
Table of Contents
1. Dance-off Challenges
One of the simpler challenges to undertake is the dance-off challenge. For this challenge, you need to establish a moderate Twitch channel points goal for your viewers, ideally between 10,000 and 20,000, depending on the size of your channel.
Once the goal is reached, you select a random dance suggested by your viewers (it’s best to use a random number generator for this, as well as for any other Twitch challenges you undertake on your channel) and perform it on stream.

This fun challenge is very simple and interactive, but it does require a good sense of humor, as some of the dances suggested by viewers can be quite silly.
Alternatively, you can ask your viewers to send you videos of themselves dancing, and then do your best to replicate those dances on stream once the point goal is achieved.
2. Charity Challenge
This one is quite straightforward and will earn you significant goodwill from your community, plus you can accumulate a substantial number of channel points. However, if not planned properly, it could result in a moderate financial loss, although the funds will be allocated to a worthy cause.
These types of Twitch challenges have recently surged in popularity, but this can be a double-edged sword.
While your community may be motivated to watch you more to earn that channel point reward, it could also lead you to become too similar to their other favorite streamers, resulting in a loss of the uniqueness that initially attracted them to you.
Consequently, this challenge should not be completed in a short time frame; instead, it can serve as an effective long-term strategy to encourage viewer participation. Therefore, establish a long-term goal to achieve and consider a suitable reward for your efforts.
3. Physical Challenges
Are you a streamer who spends all day playing video games and engaging with your viewers? Would you like to have more time for physical exercise, but find that you have no time for it?
A physical community challenge can assist you in addressing these issues while also bringing you closer to your audience.
First, ensure that you select a challenge you can realistically complete, and then establish a channel points milestone at which you will perform it. Naturally, the milestone should correspond to the difficulty of your challenge.

The best physical exercises to perform are those that can be easily tracked on streams, such as push-ups or stirrups. You can even allow viewers to choose the exercises for you to complete.
It is truly an excellent way to stay active while also gaining support from your fanbase and attracting new subscribers.
4. The Surprise Me Challenge
This is quite an unusual and unconventional type of challenge that can be surprisingly rewarding, both in the channel points section and for your viewers. It can also be a lot of fun if executed correctly, though it may be quite embarrassing.
Essentially, you will establish a specific channel point goal, ideally one that can be achieved within the same session you are streaming. Once that goal is reached, you will allow the viewers to decide your next action.
This can be accomplished either through an RNG sequence or by choosing the most common suggestion in the chat. Regardless of the method you choose, you are sure to have a lot of fun participating in this challenge.
5. The Trolling Twitch Challenges
The goal of this challenge is clear: you establish a channel point target, and once it is achieved, you perform something utterly astonishing and, most importantly, pointless.
The possibilities with this challenge are as abundant as they are amusing. You can attempt anything from balancing an egg on the top of your head to playing your favorite game blindfolded (just avoid doing it in competitive mode).
Additionally, you can combine this challenge with the previous one to enhance the game’s enjoyment for your viewers; just ensure you are prepared for some truly outrageous requests.
6. The Twitch Quiz Challenge
This challenge gives you the opportunity to step away from your typical streaming routine while simultaneously bringing your community closer together and helping them gain a better understanding of you as a person.
Essentially, you need to establish a goal for the channel to achieve and then continue streaming games as usual. Once the goal is met, you will pause your stream and schedule a Twitch quiz event to occur at a specific time.
During this time, anyone watching the stream can ask you questions in the chat, whether about your own life or as part of a quiz, which you will then answer live on stream.
This is one of those community Twitch challenges that are better suited for smaller to medium-sized channels, as gaining insight into the streamer’s life can significantly increase the channel’s popularity.
7. Giveaway Challenge
This is the simplest challenge on this list, yet it is also the easiest to complete, as it motivates viewers to engage for their own advantage.
You can even create dual giveaways: one for all viewers of the channel and another in sub-only mode, featuring enhanced and more exclusive rewards.

Ensure that the rewards align with the content you are showcasing on your stream, but also avoid imitating other streamers too closely! Being unique can significantly boost your viewer count, as word of mouth is often one of the primary ways a Twitch channel grows.
A great example of a low-cost yet highly effective giveaway is skin bundles for your most-streamed game. It is straightforward and focused, keeps your community engaged, and promotes growth in viewer count – one of the more efficient challenges overall.
8. The Eating Challenge
This challenge, although not suitable for everyone, can provide a refreshing change of pace. Essentially, you need to establish a moderate point goal to reach, and once you achieve it, challenge yourself to eat on stream while being observed for a specific duration.
I recommend trying something new, or even asking your tour guide to choose your food for you, as they will likely have many interesting suggestions.
Although it may not be the best challenge to undertake if you are mindful of your weight, it can provide a new activity for your channel, is very low-cost, and often earns a substantial number of Twitch channel points with ease.
9. The Humorous Video Twitch Challenges
The final challenge on this list is likely the silliest of them all and should only be attempted if you have a good sense of humor and are not easily embarrassed.
It is essentially a game between you and your audience, where you establish a point goal for them to achieve, and in return, you create an entertaining live video for their enjoyment.
You may find yourself engaging in a range of amusing activities during this challenge, including unnecessary dances and many other antics.

One positive aspect of this challenge is that it nearly always boosts your viewer count, as people enjoy watching others engage in silly activities as part of a game.
It was one of the most common Twitch challenges in the platform’s early days and is also an easy game for newcomers to engage with.
What to Look for When Choosing a Twitch Challenge?
Number of Subscribers
Depending on your channel’s subscriber count, certain streams and challenges may be more suitable than others. This means you should customize the Twitch challenges so that the point goal is attainable with minimal effort.
After all, incomplete Twitch challenges simply make your streams less engaging for the audience.
Alluring Channel Point Rewards
You should have a good understanding of your community to create a challenge that will engage them. While participating in trending Twitch challenges is an option, it risks getting you lost in a sea of streamers.
Thus, offering appealing rewards to your audience increases the likelihood of expanding your reach and attracting new nonsubs to your channel.
Overall Enjoyment Factor
Ultimately, your Twitch challenge should be enjoyable for you as well as for your viewers. For instance, if you are someone who loves pets, consider including a pet in your challenge.
Additionally, you might ask those around you for ideas on how to achieve the channel point goal or engage your audience.
Since Twitch is mainly a platform for entertainment, whether for content creators or consumers, you should always keep that in mind.
FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions
What Are Good Community Challenges For Twitch?
Answering a question like this requires a great deal of research, as it will most often depend on the size and age of your channel, as well as the target audience. In this guide, you can find some fun and unusual Twitch challenges to try out that are sure to boost the fun factor of your channel.
How Do I Entertain My Twitch Viewers?
This will heavily depend on the type of audience you have. For example, if your audience is mostly children and younger teenagers, you will have to adapt to do things they find fun.On the other hand, if you have older and more sensible viewers, you might want to base on quizzes, Qu0026amp;A sessions, and other ways of communication.In the end, if you are running low on ideas in this particular category, this guide might help you a lot.
What Activities Can You Do On Twitch?
There are quite a few things you can do on this incredibly versatile streaming platform. From just chatting (which is actually a category on Twitch) to performing an instrument or playing video games, the possibilities are endless.That being said, finding a niche on Twitch can be difficult. As a result, streamers often refer to lists such as this one in order to boost their channel.The difference between a successful channel and one that falls into obscurity is often nothing more than being able to implement new ideas and create ways to keep your community active.