There comes a time in the life of every streamer when they wonder what is happening with their streaming channel.
Why is there no audience? Why is everyone running away?
Well, the reason might be even simpler than you expect.
You’re likely to have zero viewers because you bore them with your silence.
Yes, precisely.
To keep the stream flowing, you need to TALK (and chat)!
Here are 8 ideas that you should use in order to talk NON-stop:
1. Always seem professional;
2. Don’t fake it;
3. Mind the competition;
4. Engage with the audience;
5. Never zone out;
6. Make it personal;
7. Create a plan;
8. Use the “Just Chatting” category;
To learn what to discuss and how to engage viewers effectively, continue reading to discover more detailed strategies for maintaining conversation during your stream.
Table of Contents
How to Keep Talking on Stream
Having established the importance of maintaining the conversation, the next step is to provide a list of tricks and tips to consider if you want to keep the streaming journey engaging for your audience.
Accordingly, please be aware that…

1. Always Appear Professional
Even if you are a small streamer just beginning your streaming career, you must not let the audience know this.
You should present yourself as an experienced gamer with an established community.
Remember, just like anywhere else, first impressions matter. Therefore, you need to impress your audience.
To achieve this and attract new members who will remain engaged, you will need assistance and support from your friends and family.
Of course, I am referring to those who are willing to watch you play, even if they are not into gaming; or they are into gaming but do not enjoy or play the same game.
Engage them in conversation so that visitors to your channel notice you are maintaining an interactive and lively chat.
The new person on the other side wants to feel valued and needs assurance that they will receive feedback if they send a message in the chat.
In addition to engaging your closest friends and family members you can tolerate talking to (lol), I’ve found it beneficial for them to interact with each other during your stream.
This fosters natural fluency (which will be explained) and any new viewer who chooses to join will quickly contribute, resulting in a growing community of new followers.
I remember when I first started streaming – an empty room, optimal lighting, excellent streaming software, and I was all set for my live stream – but there were no viewers.
That’s when it occurred to me – I needed fake followers.
After this, it took only a few streams to surpass 1K Twitch viewers.
Additionally, ensure that your friends who have limited experience with gaming and streaming are aware of the community guidelines to avoid saying anything inappropriate.
This could potentially cause more damage.
So, please refrain from discussing racist topics, (trans)gender-based jokes, and similar subjects.
Keep the conversation relevant to the stream and ensure that you discuss topics in which everyone can participate.
2. Don’t Fake It
People tend to avoid conversations that feel fake and forced.
Instead, we all prefer to be part of something that operates smoothly without any awkward situations.
This is precisely where your f&fs mentioned above become useful. They are familiar with you and most likely know each other as well.
This means that your stream will be more entertaining than you might expect.
The viewer watches you play your favorite video game (the one you excel at) while enjoying some authentic background conversation.
Here’s another tip for you!
If you dislike a particular topic or feel uninformed about it, simply steer clear of it.
Don’t act clever; people dislike smartasses.
Even though you might believe you can impress others by discussing a topic you know nothing about, they will see right through you, and the situation will become quite awkward.
3. Mind the Competition
Yes, that’s what we all do, and for different reasons.
If you want to elevate your game, it’s beneficial to closely observe what other streamers are doing.
This is something many streamers have done, myself included.
We have determined that live streaming while playing video games is insufficient to maintain viewer engagement.
You need to speak and make it feel natural, whether you are an introvert or not.
For example, I’ve heard stories of gamers with exceptional gaming skills who struggled to attract a significant number of viewers simply because they were uninteresting.
To avoid this, you can seek advice from other streamers, whether it’s about playing video games or maintaining the conversation.
I implemented this strategy when I began streaming, and it proved to be a wise decision.
Not only did I receive some useful tips, but I also improved my numbers.
When people see you connected to a prominent figure, you instantly become more interesting to them.
Of course, you don’t need to be exceptionally intelligent to understand that you should connect with the streamers who engage in conversation during gameplay.
4. Engage
Do you recall when I mentioned that you would need all the support you can get from your friends and family?
They assist by engaging in conversation with one another and fostering a welcoming atmosphere for new viewers.
Here’s another crucial tip for all of you who are just beginning to stream your game.
You can’t simply allow others to do the dirty work.
You also need to engage.

Allow me to share a story from my personal experience.
When I first began playing games and streaming them online, I overlooked chats from random followers and only responded to those I knew something about.
It was only later that I realized every new stream had lower counts.
What happened was that people stopped watching simply because I skipped talking to them.
We must always remember that we are content creators and that we need to engage with those who come to watch our streams.
People come to watch you play video games, but they also appreciate having their questions answered.
When live streaming, be sure to take the time to respond to someone who has shown interest in what you’re doing. Spending a few minutes on this won’t hurt.
The person on the other side will feel valued, and you are assured of receiving positive references from other viewers.
Pro Tip: Learn something from each person you chat with. Ask them for advice and allow them to share their real-life stories, gaming experiences, or personal insights. They will feel valued and will be more likely to recommend you.
5. Narrate Your Gameplay/What’s Happening on Screen
Here’s an effective technique for practicing your speaking skills and achieving success while streaming.
Engage in a conversation with yourself.
It may seem strange initially, but soon you’ll become accustomed to it, and it will feel completely natural.
If you struggle to find topics to discuss, try narrating what is happening on the screen. Essentially, tell a story about what you are doing.
Emphasize the tricks you are using, laugh at your own mistakes, and even swear colorfully if necessary.
It’s completely natural, and we all engage in it!
This conveys to your audience that you are a real person, made of flesh and blood, just like them.
It’s simply that you excel at playing.
Moreover, when speaking, ensure that you maintain eye contact. Even though it’s through a screen, people appreciate seeing that you are looking them in the eyes. First, it’s a matter of common decency, and second, it creates a more personal connection.
Clearly, the most important aspect is to avoid zoning out and leaving the viewers uninformed.
Your straightforward approach will mean a lot to them.
Additionally, when you chat, utilize emotes. Everyone loves these. Why use lengthy sentences in chat when you can simply send an angry Pepe, for instance?
To gain the viewers’ support, ensure you create entertaining content for them to enjoy. Before you begin anything on stream, try to envision yourself on the other side.
Here are several strategies to keep viewers engaged with their screens.
6. Make it Personal
Ahh, we all enjoy a touch of drama.
When you’re unsure of what to discuss, you turn to personal topics.
Engage in conversation with your followers and share information about yourself. However, be sure to avoid disclosing your address and/or real name.
However, share with them experiences that go beyond just the game you are playing.
Discuss music, the latest music trends, and pop culture in general. Mention some of the most recent news (avoiding any racist or gender-offensive topics). Share what series you are currently watching. Provide links to funny YouTube compilations.
However, don’t make it solely about you. This is a two-way street. Ask them some personal questions as well. Inquire about their favorite game. Involve them in your latest project—let them help you choose music for your next video.
You may uncover some real treasure.
Clearly, whatever you do, ensure that the viewers are engaged in your stream, either through conversation or in the chat.
An interactive game or stream is far superior to playing without any viewer response.
7. Plan, Plan, and Always Plan
I understand that often you may not be interested in what seems like unnecessary plans.
Conversely, I recognize that we also want to retain viewers.
While engaging in conversation during the stream and maintaining a constant chat activity may come naturally to some, others still find it challenging.
Before you begin any game or stream, jot down a few relevant points. If you happen to disconnect during the stream, you can refer to this paper for topics to discuss or chat about.

Utilize the tips you noted to inform those observing you at that moment about what you are doing and the reasons behind your actions.
People enjoy being educated in this manner, and questions will continue to arise.
Be sure to respond to them, and you won’t have to worry about your stream being dull.
Pay attention to their thoughts and what they find intriguing.
Here, you can also list some brands you like. For example, if you are currently playing GTA V, you can take the opportunity to discuss car brands.
8. Just Chatting is Your Savior
I understand that some of you may still feel uneasy about speaking while playing a game and would prefer to use the chat option instead.
This is completely legitimate, and no one can hold it against you.
There was a time when I would spend too much time talking with clients at work, so I kept my game quiet.
I would turn to chat and inform the guys that I’m not really in the mood for conversation and will only respond via chat.
Honestly, I was simply tired of my voice.
In any case, if your stream is based on Twitch, you have the excellent option to simply switch your channel to the category “Just Chatting”.
This will be highly beneficial for several reasons.
First of all, you can enjoy the game without worrying about sounding natural. People communicate with you solely through chat, so you don’t have to cringe every time someone speaks.
In the meantime, while you are engaged in chat, there will come a time when you will feel the need to switch to conversation.
Perhaps it will occur to you during a moment when you can’t be bothered to type everything out, or maybe in a situation where you can express yourself more effectively through spoken words than through written communication in chat.
Clearly, don’t remain in chat indefinitely. Engaging in conversation and spending time in chat during a game is not the same, and I believe you can discern which is more beneficial during gameplay.
Importance of Talking on Stream
The primary purpose of streaming on Twitch (from the audience’s perspective) is entertainment.
They want to witness impressive gaming skills, and they expect you to be their entertainer.
Playing and streaming games flawlessly isn’t enough.
You must balance the conversation, the game, the discussion, and any other unexpected situations that arise.
So, yes, you are essentially the clown here.
The audience does not appreciate the quiet types. They drain the energy and cause viewers to flee as quickly as possible.
Instead, viewers turn to Twitch and various streams to enjoy some good jokes, have a good laugh, and subconsciously support their mental health.
So, whatever you are playing at a given moment, make sure to engage in some conversation as well.
In fact, not just some. Do a great deal of it!
Also, chat!
I understand that the talk you deliver must align with the context and that it requires practice, particularly for a new streamer.
Even though you are excited about playing various games and excel at them, if your viewer count remains low, it is likely that you need to enhance your content with some commentary.
This will attract more viewers to your streams, and as a result, you may become a successful streamer before you realize it.
Once you overcome the awkwardness of speaking into your screen, understand that you can’t simply discuss anything that comes to mind.
To finally answer the question posed in the title, here are the key points you need to consider.
Now that I have provided you with practical guidelines on how to make your game more engaging, I believe you should have no trouble attracting those long-awaited views.
If you still do not have enough viewers, then you haven’t been paying attention!
Therefore, revisit the content and review it once more, and check the video below for additional useful streaming tips!