The exclusivity of being first in every action we take has always been highly coveted.
We take pride in being among the first to see this or that movie, the first to visit this or that place, and so on.
Twitch is no exception. In this article, I will discuss the three best ways to earn the Twitch Founder badge:
1. Be One of the First Subscribers on the Channel
Founder’s badge is given to the very earliest subscribers on the specific channel. If you are active and valuable member of the stream, the streamer will award you with this limited badge. Twitch gives 10-25 Founder’s badges for streamers to deliver to the viewers.
2. Receive Twitch Gifted Subscription
Even if you get a gifted sub, you will be eligible to be awarded a Founder’s badge.
3. One of the Previous Founder’s Badge Owners Gets Banned
If one of the people who already had a Founder’s badge gets banned, streamer will get that badge back so they are able to give it to another member of their stream.
Twitch subscribers have been proclaiming themselves “first” since the platform’s inception, proudly displaying the Twitch founder badge.
If a streamer provides engaging and high-quality streams, as a subscriber, you will want others to know that you were one of the first supporters.
It suggests that you have found them on your own.
Table of Contents
What is a Founder Badge?
When a new streamer emerges, the first 10 subscribers will receive a founders badge (available only on affiliate channels). This badge has been created as a way to support new and rising channels on Twitch, helping them to build their viewer base and promote their content.
The Twitch founder badge is displayed in your list of badges as the first Twitch badge.
This is indeed an exclusive opportunity, as only a small percentage of subscribers have the chance to receive it (more on that shortly).
You can showcase it on your profile while chatting, allowing both the streamer and other subscribers to be informed about your exclusivity.
You can also choose to hide it in the settings and security section if you prefer to use any other badge you have earned, or the channel’s custom badge if available.
When you choose to reattach it, follow the same steps.
This exclusive bragging right stems not only from the fact that you were among the first people to subscribe to a particular channel. Since not everyone can achieve this, why not show it off if you have it, right?
How to Obtain the Twitch Founders Badge
1. Subscribing on Your Own
To obtain a Twitch Founders Badge, you must be among the first group of individuals to subscribe to a specific channel.
Streamers who achieve affiliate status receive 10 founder badges to distribute to the first ten subscribers of their channel.
This means that the first 10 people who subscribe to your channel will automatically receive the founder badge.
Streamers with Partner status receive 25 founder badges to distribute.
When an Affiliate streamer achieves Partner rank, an additional 15 badges will become available and will be automatically distributed to the next 15 subscribers.
Are there any conditions you need to meet to become eligible for a Twitch Founders Badge?
Indeed, yes.
In addition to being one of the first 10 or 25 subscribers to a channel, you must maintain an active subscription to that channel for your badge to be displayed.
If you do not have an active subscription, your badge will still belong to you, but it will be displayed once you re-subscribe to the specific channel.
To access Partner channels, you must be a paid or prime subscriber, or a prime subscriber to an Affiliate channel.
2. Receiving a Gifted Subscription
Subscribing on your own is one way to become eligible for the badge.
Another option is to receive the subscription, provided it is among the first 10 or 25.
If you gift the subscription to someone else, you will not receive the founder Twitch badge.
3. Obtaining the Founders Badge if the Previous Subscriber is Banned
There is a possibility that you can receive the desired badge even if you were not among the first 10 people to subscribe to a streamer with Affiliate status or among the first 25 to subscribe to a verified Twitch Partner.
You can receive the badge if a previous subscriber is banned from the site or if they have deleted their account.
The badges will automatically be awarded to the 11th or the 26th subscriber if only one subscriber drops out (and similarly for any additional subscribers who are banned or delete their accounts).
This will also require you to subscribe quickly, as these drop-outs and deletions do not occur very frequently.
Losing the Twitch Founder Badge
One of the most common questions regarding the Twitch founder badge is, “Can I lose a Twitch founder badge?”
The answer is ‘yes’ under the following conditions:
If you have a subscription that is inactive—meaning you did not re-subscribe for a few months—your founder’s badge will still belong to you, but it will not be visible until you regain your active status.
Number of Twitch Founder Badges
Streamers can distribute the founder’s badge once they achieve Twitch affiliate status. As you might expect, partner channels will offer even more badges for each subscription tier.
When I say Twitch affiliates receive a founders badge, I don’t mean they will only receive one badge. On the contrary, upon reaching Twitch affiliate status, you will get 10 founders badges for your first 10 subscribers. This allows your initial subscribers to choose the founders badge you provided them, replacing the standard subscription badge.

Therefore, you can only conclude that partnered channels will receive additional badges. If you have a partnered channel, you will receive 25 badges, which includes 15 more than the 10 you receive for being an affiliate.
If this applies to you, and you already have a Twitch affiliate channel, upgrading to a partnered channel will grant you 25 badges.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I lose the founder badge?
First of all, I must say that this is the most common subscriber FAQ. The answer is that you can lose it but it’s not really likely. You can lose your founder badge and if this happens you will lose Twitch prime badges and all of your badges.But the scenario must be that your Twitch account gets banned indefinitely. As you can assume in that case you will lose all your badges Twitch associated because you will not be on the platform anymore. The second reason can be if the streamer that you got your Twitch founders badge from gets banned. If that happens you will have your standard subscriber badge displayed.
Can I have a custom founders badge?
The answer to this question is, unfortunately, no. As you might already know just like the Moderator and VIP badges this one as well cant be modified. If you as the original owner of the founder’s badge decides that you don’t like the looks of it, the best thing you can do is to hide your Twitch founders badge. The option for that can be found in the Twitch menu. There you can display your standard sub badge. To do that go to security and privacy scroll down to HIDE FOUNDERS BADGE and module flip switch do disable it and then you will have a standard subscriber badge displayed instead.
We have now reached the end of our journey. I sincerely hope that we have been helpful; we aimed to make it as easy as possible for you to get up to speed quickly. If that is the case, I am genuinely satisfied. Wishing you a good day and good luck, Twitch users.