Vtuber Ideas You Should Try Out: 8 Best Niches To Start With

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If you are contemplating starting a Vtuber career, then you have questions about what sort of Vtuber you should become and what Vtubing niches exist out there.

Becoming a Vtuber can be more challenging than you think. It is very important to pick the right niche to be competitive from the start.

Best Niches To Kickstart Your Vtuber Career

1. Sport
2. Astrology
3. Cooking
4. Science
5. History
6. Book
7. Movies
8. Mukbang

This sort of content creation has become crazy popular during the past few years, and it seems like a Vtuber can have as much success as other relevant people on social media platforms, so there is a variety of possibilities that can help you on your journey.

Here I have gathered some of the best Vtuber ideas that allow you to stand out in the world of virtual YouTubers.

What Sort Of Vtuber Can You Be?

The List Of Vtuber Ideas

If you didn’t know, there are not just Vtubers in the gaming niche, and there are plenty of virtual content creators in different places.

In case you have done your Google search, you have probably realized that there are all sorts of Vtuber activities and that you can create your unique identity and succeed in almost all areas of streaming.

These are just some of the niches you can choose to stream in, and it seems like they act as original characters and unique Vtubers who will satisfy the needs of their loyal viewers.

1. Sport

If you want to create your own Vtuber model and are interested in sports, commentaries on different games, and overall you want to talk about players and their strategies, you will be surprised how wanted this is among Vtuber fans.

When there are digital avatars who are willing to share their knowledge with the sports community and who like to watch and comment on different types of sports, and they want to do that in a live stream, they tend to attract a large audience.

Even though this may sound like a weird digital trend for most of you, people prefer to watch YouTube videos of digital characters explaining things over real people.

For some reason, it seems to be much more enjoyable to them, and they enjoy watching their reaction videos and movements.

2. Astrology

Astrology is a very popular topic among people these days, that’s why I included it in my Vtuber ideas list. If you have ever gotten into the astrology rabbit hole on the internet, you have come across plenty of English Vtubers who are talking about it.

If you want to become an astrology content creator but you have no idea how to succeed on the internet, you should come up with your very concept of a digital Vtuber and start uploading videos on your YouTube channel.

Even though it can be weird in the beginning, you will see that a content creator who is posting the same type of content as you but is doing it as a virtual YouTuber will have much more success.

The Vtuber community is quite big, and people are always looking for new indie Vtubers whose profiles they can watch, so if you are an astrologer and want to have immediate success, this is the easiest way for you.

3. Cooking

The cooking community is full of smaller Vtubers, and it seems like the whole process of watching a digital avatar prepare themselves a meal and cook nutritious dishes is amusing to millions of people.

While you would probably never think that people watch anime like avatars do the cooking, it is a pretty cool and enjoyable thing, and plenty of new Vtubers are getting into the cooking niche.

The content creation experience in this niche will be challenging and inspiring, so I would recommend you to experiment with this sort of stuff because it can provide you with some amazing content.

4. Science

Science is also one of the topics many people tend to explore in their Google searches, and it seems like everything is easy to be understood when your favorite Vtuber explains it to you briefly.

There are plenty of science Vtuber ideas people want to get explained to them, and the science nerds community is quite big on the internet, so if you want to connect with them and share your knowledge on this topic, I would always go with a Vtuber account.

It will help you gather groups of people sincerely interested in science, and you will become a successful Vtuber easily because this niche doesn’t have too many creators.

You can create a video as frequently as you want, and once you establish holding auditions, you can do live streams and even talk about other things without worrying you will lose your loyal following.

Even though a female Japanese virtual YouTuber isn’t something that comes to your mind when you think of science, there are plenty of them in this Vtuber community, and you will thrive if you decide to dedicate your time to building a Vtuber account and creating videos.

5. History

History is also something people like to hear about, and if you are knowledgeable about this topic and you have no idea how to make use of that information, you can always produce content as a virtual YouTuber.

Plenty of people have similar Vtuber ideas when it comes to presenting history content, but most of them are not even thinking about the possibility of becoming a virtual YouTuber, so this can make a real game-changer for you.

Once you start creating history content, you will see that there are also other Vtubers in this niche, but you will always be able to offer something new because the industry is not oversaturated with creators.

6. Book

Book creators are always popular, no matter what social media platform they are using, and both you and other bookworms could make use of that information and start sharing it as a Vtuber.

This way, you will not have to worry about looking good while filming a video or someone from real life recognizing, so if you are hiding all of this information just because you are shy or scared of other people’s reactions, there is no more reason to do it.

There are plenty of virtual YouTube creators who are talking about all things book-related and creating their little book clubs, so this can be your future world too.

7. Movies

Movies are also something most of us can spend hours talking about, so if it is a topic you are sincerely passionate about, you might as well earn money from it by creating a video as a virtual YouTuber.

You will be able not only to discuss your favorite movies but also to interact with your viewers through super chat and share different points of view easily.

This is probably the most popular form of discussing movies and theater because it can even allow you to speak as an avatar that resembles your favorite movie character, making everything a lot more interesting.

You can also imitate their gestures, so every video of this sort can be amusing to a significant number of people, even if they originally weren’t that much into the Vtubing community.

8. Mukbang

Mukbang is also the type of video that can be hard to film as a digital YouTuber, but overall it can be a fun experience, and it can be a nice thing to watch while killing your time. That’s why I put it onto my list of Vtuber ideas.

Even though it probably isn’t as amusing as when you are watching real people eat things in front of the camera, it can still be an excellent idea for an aspiring virtual YouTuber.

Vtuber Ideas: How Can I Find My Niche?

Most people struggle to find their niche, whether they are regular YouTubers and streamers or someone trying to make it in the world of virtual YouTubers.

The key to finding your niche is to make sure you know what your strengths are and what are the things you like talking about.

After you review Vtuber ideas, and once you realize what your topics of interest are, you will also be able to come up with an idea of virtual YouTubers who talk about those things and realize what the easiest way to present yourself is.

When you are sure about what you want to share on your virtual account, you will also find it much easier to create your unique online persona and set up your whole streaming account.

Make sure you explore all of your interests and make the final decision only when you are 100% sure of it.

How Can I Succeed As A Vtuber?

Vtubers don’t differ too much from other YouTubers, except in the way they are accessing the platform, so if you want to maintain a loyal audience and build a name for yourself, it can be pretty hard to do it without the help of a professional.

For that reason, most people who see that their Vtuber ideas are working well and that they have a large group of subscribers on their channel decide to pay a Vtuber agency that will help them maintain their presence across several social media platforms.

Once you get your agency, you will not have to worry too much about trivial things, and you will be able to focus all of your time and energy on filming, which is a great thing.

There are plenty of popular Vtuber agencies everywhere in the world, but if you think that you are becoming successful and that you need some of the best people in the industry around you, you should get in touch with Hololive production.

Hololive production is the largest Vtuber agency in the world, and although they are located in Asia, they also have a Hololive English branch that works with Vtubers worldwide.

They can help you elevate your whole experience and start earning money from your Vtuber channel quickly, so never underestimate the power of a good agent.

You don’t need to be working with them, but find an agency around you that will have the best needs in your interest.

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Stefan Mitrovic

Stefan is a long-time content creator and one of the Stream Mentor's co-founders. He's a tech geek and a Dota 2 player (not even a good one) who wanted to help others become professional streamers and earn from the comfort of their home.