How To Make A Vtuber Avatar: 3 Great Software Ideas for Vtubers

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If you want to start your virtual Youtube career, you will need to take quite a few steps before establishing a successful Vtuber channel.

Coming up with your own Vtuber avatar and persona which is unique can be quite hard, especially if you have never experienced this streaming world before.

For that reason, I have decided to help you learn how to make a Vtuber avatar that will be only yours and help you stand out in the virtual Youtuber community.

If your goal is to create your own Vtuber avatar, you will first need to develop the idea of a Vtuber and the personality you want to embody on these streaming platforms.

Those who have decided to start their virtual youtube career will need to take some time and do a bit of research before they decide to create their virtual avatar and channel.

The truth is that it can be a lot harder to stand out as a Vtuber model than as a regular streamer because you will need to create a virtual being that will be unique, attractive, and interesting to viewers on the platform.

This tends to be a lot easier for real people who show their facial expressions traits and interact with viewers directly.

If you are behind one of those anime style avatars, you will need to push hard to create your virtual Youtuber career because standing out will be harder for you.

1. Be Unique When Creating Your Own Vtuber Avatar

Before you decide to engage in it, write down what are the things you want to show with your own Vtuber avatar, how you can make your Vtuber avatar attractive to others, and how can your content creation differ from everyone else’s on streaming platforms.

This is not like filming with a standard webcam, and you need to make sure your creative experience will be amusing to others.

Make sure you come up with an idea of what your digital avatar should look like and what your online personality will be doing and promoting in these streams because that is the only sure way you can succeed.

vtuber avatar creation

Once you realize what the type of content you want to share is and what are the things you want to be recognized for, it will be easy for you to create everything for the channel and start along with other amateur Vtubers.

I wouldn’t recommend sticking with the personality you get when you automatically generate settings in a specific program for creating Vtuber avatars, but rather take time to figure out how you want it to look.

Always make sure you are not trying to copy anyone or share things you don’t believe in just because you want to be popular.

Your viewers will figure it out pretty fast, and after that, there is no way you will be able to make anyone else subscribe to your avatars and develop a relationship with your community.

2. Be Specific With Your Look

One of the things that will make everyone tap on your Vtuber channel is a unique avatar that hasn’t been seen in the Vtuber community, so never settle with premade avatars you can find online and never try to copy other popular Vtubers.

Things like this will get recognized quickly, and if you know what the items you want to share are and how you want your model to look like, you can always download different software options for creating a digital avatar and customizing your whole appearance. Alternatively, you can consider using a VTuber commission service, where professionals can help bring your vision to life.

You will be able to choose between hundreds of different facial expressions, customize your entire body, add a new hairstyle, choose your preferred eye color and facial features, and many other things.

With the Facerig software and similar options, you will also be able to customize upper body movements that will appear throughout your stream and also your head position.

Every additional software will have hundreds of different eye movements options, and it will allow you to control everything from your shoulder movement to your breathing, so you should check out all the apps made for virtual Youtubers and create an original appearance. If you’re looking for a more personalized touch, a VTuber commission service can provide a unique and professional design tailored to your needs.

If you want to have an avatar that will attract people to your account, this is the easiest way to create your online personality and become one of the popular Youtube creators in this community.

How To Make A Vtuber Avatar By Yourself

Creating your own Vtuber avatar is relatively easy, and you don’t have to be an expert to start using Vtuber software to create your custom digital avatar.

Everyone can come up with their very own Vtuber avatar and create it within seconds through excellent Vtuber software options they can find online.

If you too want to come up with your custom digital avatar, then I have great recommendations that are user-friendly and will help you kickstart your virtual Youtuber career quickly.

1. Live 3D

Best for Avatar Performance

live3d vtuber avatar creator

Stefan’s Take:

What I liked the most about the Live3D is how responsive the avatar is and how the website is easy to use.

There aren’t too many available options in the free plan, but if you opt for one of the paid plans, you get more features, of course.

Overall, you don’t need to pay a dime, so I heartily recommend it to people who enjoy having responsive avatars.

Customization Options9
Ease of Use9
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Live 3D is one of the most popular options among those who want to create a Vtuber model by themselves, and it can even be used in a standard web browser without any problems.

Even though it does have just a few options, it will help you manually fine tune all the traits and features in your desired avatar, and you can be simply searched for different features on it that will provide you with better motion capture or picture clarity.

It is completely free and once you create your own Vtuber avatar, you can download it to your computer and start using it in your videos, so it is one of the best options for complete beginners.

2. VRoid Studio

Best Anime Design

vroid vtuber avatar creator

Stefan’s Take:

In my opinion, VRoid Studio has some pretty good-looking art styles. You will enjoy using this tool if you like classic anime shows, such as Attack on Titan or Pokemon.

The app is also available on Steam for free, so if you’re also a gamer, you can try it out from there too.

Customization Options8
Ease of Use10
Check it here!

VRoid Studio has also been around for a while and it is one of the first Vtube software that will appear in your Google search.

It can be installed on any computer and mobile device and it will allow you to create both a 2D and a 3D model without any problems.

If you are just starting out as a Vtber and you are looking for the easiest way to create your Youtube presence and incorporate your digital avatar into videos, I would say this one will be the most efficient.

It has a great face capture option and humanoid characters, so even if you don’t get a Pro version, you will still enjoy your time in games and make many people subscribe to your channel.

3. Facerig Software Tracks


Stefan’s Take:

The main advantage of Facerig in my opinion is how alive the avatar looks. Movement is fluid, although not as fluid as expected.

The app has decent options as well. Although not as many as you might expect.

Customization Options8
Ease of Use9
Check it here!

Facerig is also quite popular, and the avatars you create with this one will look like real people speaking from the webcam.

It allows you to customize your entire body, remove any barriers standing, participate in VR chat as a Vtuber model and do whatever you want with your character.

Facerig is an excellent Vtuber maker that can be navigated easily and that will provide you with avatars of the best quality out there.

You can create your own Vtuber avatar directly through the official website or download everything to your computer or Steam account, so you can always choose the options that work the best for your Vtuber model.

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Stefan Mitrovic

Stefan is a long-time content creator and one of the Stream Mentor's co-founders. He's a tech geek and a Dota 2 player (not even a good one) who wanted to help others become professional streamers and earn from the comfort of their home.