How to Repost on Instagram – 9 Easy Steps [Updated Guide]

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Instagram is the leading social media platform at the moment, and people use it both for fun and business.

It can be pretty hard to stay consistent and upload high-quality content all the time, so learning how to repost on Instagram can be handy.

Reposting on Instagram on iOS/Android

Here is how you can repost any Instagram photo:

1. Take a screenshot of the photo,
2. Click on the button to share a new post,
3. Crop the image, edit it, and add filters,
4. Add a caption, and tag the content creator,
5. Share a photo.

Reposting on Instagram story

Here is how you can share a post on your Instagram story:

1. Find the photo you want to share,
2. Click on the paper plane icon,
3. Select “Your Story” option,
4. Customize the story,
5. Share it.

Reposting on Instagram using third-party apps

You can also repost on Instagram using third-party apps. I prefer Repostapp because it’s easy to use, I can customize the posts, and easily add attributions.

If you want to keep up the posting and interacting with your followers without investing too much time and money, then the repost option is all you need. Read on to learn how this feature works, and when you should use it.

How To Repost On Instagram?

Reposting on Instagram is a pretty popular practice, but most people don’t know this can’t be done through the platform itself.

If you want to repost other people’s content to your Instagram, you will need to do it through a screenshot which is the most popular and effective method for reposting things.

This is how you can repost content on Instagram simply by taking a screenshot with your mobile phone.

Step 1: Find the post/story you want to repost

You don’t need to repost everything related to your content or niche because quality is always much more important than quantity, and only screenshot those posts that make you think, “Oh, I wish I came up with that!”.

Step 2: Screenshot it with your mobile phone

Every smartphone can screenshot without limits, and you don’t have to worry about other users receiving a notification that you have screenshotted their post.

Step 3: Choose “New Instagram post”

When you save a screenshot, click on the New post icon in the top right corner.

New Instagram post button

Step 4: Choose “Story” or “Post”

Once you open the New post menu, you can choose what type of content you will post – an Instagram story or a simple Instagram post.

Select a photo screen

Step 5: Resize the photo

When you take a screenshot of something on Instagram, the phone will save your whole screen, so before you post something, you will need to crop what you don’t need and resize it to the desired format.

Make sure you don’t crop out any important part of the photo and adjust the image to the right size so it fits the dimensions of your Instagram post or story.

Crop a photo

Step 6: Edit the image

Add some filters if you want to make the post look better.

Pick a filter page

Step 7: Add a citation

Including a citation is very important because you need to credit the original poster, but that doesn’t mean you need to share the exact same caption they posted.

You should tag the person you are reposting from and then add whatever sort of caption you find suitable or add a small part of their post.

This will help you avoid any conflicts and credit the original creator quickly.

Step 8: Add your caption

When previewing your post, you will see the option to add a caption, so you can write your own, credit the original creator, and add all the information you find to be relevant for your followers.

Add a caption

Step 9: Share!

When you have added all the needed information to your post, you can feel free to share it!

Share button on Instagram

As you can see, how to repost on Instagram is quite simple, and you don’t need to be an expert to learn how to do it.

Although the screenshots may impact the quality of the photos, they are the quickest way to repost something, and anyone can do it within a few minutes.

If you are looking for a more professional option with more features, here is a list of excellent recommendations.

How To Repost On Instagram Through Third-Party Apps?

The screenshot method is the easiest way to repost something on the Instagram app, but the quality of the photo or video will never be as good as on the original profile.

If you want to repost things quickly and are looking for a method that will help you save the photo’s original quality, then you should probably consider a third-party app.

Here is a list of the best third-party apps that instantly allow you to repost the best Instagram photos and videos.

1. Repost: For Instagram

Repostapp Logo

Amila’s Take:

I use Repostapp to repost Instagram stories, reels, videos, and photos. What I really like is the option to customize the posts, add attributions, copy the caption or add my own, and it takes just a few minutes to do it all.

Ease of Use9

Repost For Instagram is the most frequently used app for reposting content on Instagram, and it allows you to log in to your account and repost things with just a few clicks.

It works with both iOS and Android devices, so you can use it on every mobile device without any problems.

You can repost stories, photos, or reels without any problems, and it is available to all Instagram users, not only business ones.

This is how you can repost things with this app:

  • Log into your Instagram account,
  • Find what you want to repost,
  • See the photo fully,
  • Tap on three dots in the upper right corner of the photo,
  • Choose Copy link,
  • Open your Repost app,
  • The copied post should appear in your Inbox on the homepage,
  • Choose the arrow on the right side of the post,
  • Edit the photo,
  • Add the Attribution mark that includes the name of the original creator,
  • Add caption – copy one from the original creator or add your own,
  • Click Share,
  • Choose the format – Story, Post, Reels,
  • Edit captions,
  • Click Share posts.

As you can see, reposting something to your Instagram is quite simple with this app, and you can tag the original poster without any problems.

2. DownloadGram

DownloadGram Logo

Amila’s Take;

What I liked about DownloadGram is that I don’t need to install the app on my phone to use it. All I need is the post’s URL and once it’s downloaded, I can share it on my profile. I reposted multiple posts using this website, and it didn’t cost me a penny.

Ease of Use9

DownloadGram is a platform that allows you to download high-quality copies of other people’s posts and videos without having to install any app.

This app is a great option when you need a quick solution to add something to your Instagram stories and feed, and since it doesn’t require installing an app, you can do it easily through your mobile browser.

The platform is also free of charge, so you don’t have to pay any money to add a new Instagram image.

This is how you can complete the reposting process with DownloadGram.

  • Open your Instagram app,
  • Find a post or story you want to add to your account,
  • Click on the three dots above the photo,
  • Click Copy Share URL,
  • Open your default mobile browser,
  • Open DownloadGram,
  • Paste the Instagram URL,
  • Click the Download button below the URL,
  • A new page with a photo or video from the URL will open,
  • Click on the download icon,
  • Choose Save image,
  • Open Instagram,
  • Choose New post,
  • Find the downloaded photo in your camera roll,
  • Add a caption – the website will not include the citation,
  • Click Share.

3. Reposta

Reposta Logo

Amila’s Take:

I liked how easy to use this app is! I just followed the instructions on the screen and reposted a photo in a few minutes. In my opinion, the only thing the app is missing is customization features, but besides that, it does its job well!

Ease of Use9

Reposta is also an efficient reposting tool, available for Android and Apple users.

It’s entirely free and when you use it to repost photos, reels, or videos, a watermark won’t be added to the post.

You can even add the caption from the post you’re reposting if you want to.

This one is also easy to use, and this is how you can share posts quickly:

  • Open your Instagram,
  • Find what you want to repost,
  • Click on the three dots menu on the right,
  • Copy link,
  • Open Reposta – the copied photo will appear once you open the app,
  • Edit color,
  • Adjust positioning,
  • Choose caption,
  • Click “Post to Instagram,”
  • Choose the type of post-story or feed,
  • Adjust the size of the photo,
  • Edit the image,
  • Choose filters,
  • Click Next,
  • Repost.

As you can see, the process is a bit manual, but still quite straightforward.

Although the name of the account you are reposting from will appear at the bottom of the photo, they will not receive any notification, so it would be best if you did it in the caption.

Can I Repost On Instagram Stories Without Any Apps?

If you want to repost content to your Instagram story without having to deal with different apps, that is also possible and can be done with a few clicks.

Sharing someone else’s content on your story is fine, but keep in mind everyone will see who you shared it from and be able to open the original post.

This is how you can add other people’s content to your Insta story easily:

  • Open Instagram,
  • Find great posts to share.
Find guest posts to share
  • Click on the paper plane icon under the post.
Paper plane icon
  • Choose Add post to your story.
Add post to your story
  • Customize the story with some text or stickers.
customize the story
  • Click Share.
Share button

As you can see, the process is very simple, and you can share as many posts as you want.

It is a great solution when you need to post something quickly, and you don’t have the time to download things through repost apps and add different tags to credit the original creator.

Why Can’t I Repost On Instagram?

Although there are no limits to reposting on Instagram, some users on the platform may not be allowed to do it for various reasons.

These are some of the most common reasons for you not being able to repost something to your Instagram story or feed.

The owner has disabled sharing

Every Instagram user can prohibit sharing of their content, and when accounts have activated this, you will not be able to share any of their posts to your story or your feed.

While you will still be able to do it through a screenshot, it isn’t something I would recommend because the user protected their content for a reason, and you can face a lot of backlash for that.

You have a private profile

Instagram accounts with a private profile will not be able to share other people’s content to their stories unless they set their profile to public.

Private profiles don’t have a share button for anything, so if you are thinking about keeping the account private, skip it.

Instagram bugs

Instagram tends to bug from time to time, so problems like this happen, but your share button should appear and start working if you restart the app or wait a few minutes. Updating the Instagram app could also help resolve the issue.

Why Should I Repost On Instagram?

Reposting isn’t a very popular practice on Instagram, and everyone strives to create original content for their followers.

However, it can be tough to create high-quality content if you have a large Instagram account and a significant number of followers, and you need to keep it going daily.

When that happens, reposting becomes a quick fix that will help you maintain the connection with your community members.

Reposting on Instagram is easy and has no limits because you can repost content from all public profiles as long as you give them credit for it.

Creating original content daily takes a lot of time, effort, and creativity, and sometimes it isn’t possible to come up with that much fantastic content.

Most professionals will need to post content at least 3 to 4 times a week to keep their engagement rate high, so reposts can be a great backup when you can’t create enough relevant content.

Reposting doesn’t mean you will add someone else’s post or story to your account and say how cool it is, but rather include your own opinion and start a discussion with your followers.

Most people use the repost option to share inspiring photos and videos from other creators because Instagram is a visual platform that aims to share aesthetically pleasing and valuable content from other accounts.

You will also use it when you want to repost a group photo from a profile of some of your friends or siblings, so it is definitely a great option that won’t require you to screenshot things and mess up the photo quality when sharing.

In case you have a business with many loyal customers, you can always just repost user-generated content from your users because it will help you stay active and highlight all the good sides of your brand.


In this article, I have covered how to repost on Instagram – with and without the use of third-party apps, as well as why you should do it.

As you can see, learning how to repost on Instagram will improve your experience and allow you to share content that isn’t yours but inspires you, and you will find it worth sharing with your followers.


How do you repost on Instagram on iPhone?

Reposting on Instagram on iPhone devices is the same as on Android, whether using a third-party or the regular Instagram app.

However, depending on the version of your Instagram app, the option “Copy Link” may be called “Copy Link URL.”

Can you repost content from other Instagram accounts?

Yes, you can rest any content available on Instagram as long as you keep the repost tag or tag the person you reposted from.

You can repost things to your own feed or Instagram story without problems.

How do you get permission to repost on Instagram?

You don’t need permission to repost something to your Instagram, and most creators are happy when other profiles share their posts because they get exposed to a new audience.

If their posts can be shared, and the share button is available, you can repost them to your Instagram without any problems.

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Mell is one of the Stream Mentor's co-founders and a versatile content writer. She's helping other streamers get their visuals right, set the right panel, use the right lighting, install overlays properly and boost the stream quality to a great extent.

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