How To Make A Vtuber Avatar 2D: 4 Ideas For Perfect Creation

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In case you are just starting out as a Vtuber and require tools to create a
simple Vtuber avatar
as quickly as possible, then a 2D avatar would be the
best option for you.

When deciding why and how to make a Vtuber avatar 2D, keep in mind that they are easier and cheaper to make.

Also, you will learn to handle things easily with this one before you decide to take your time and invest in your virtual Youtuber experience.

how to make vtuber avatar

How To Make A Vtuber Avatar 2D Easily

Guide For Beginners

If you are struggling with finding your Vtuber avatar, we have several amazing options that will help you create your virtual Youtubers easily, free of any charge.

These are some of the most popular software options for a free Vtuber avatar that will allow you to start creating it immediately.

1. Live 2D

live 2d software vtuber

Just like you have the Live 3D platform, there is one for 2D Vtuber model that allows you to create a character and open your live streaming video immediately.

It’s not only providing you with great frame by frame animation but also allowing your avatar to make some eye movements and learn communication tools it will share suddenly throughout the streams.

Even though game engines will be a lot more dynamic with a 3D model, if you decide to create a 2D one through this website, you will be able to choose different hairstyles, eye colors, outfits and create your avatar from scratch.

However, the number of options is quite limited even if you download the trial version, so I would say it is a good fit only for beginners in this niche.

Once you decide to upgrade your experience, you will need to purchase the pro version for other communication tools and features that will help you create a better Youtube look and experience.

2. Fiverr

fiverr logo

If you have the funds to invest in your Vtuber career and you want to make sure you will have an astonishing avatar no one else on these platforms has, then Fiverr is the place for you.

Fiverr is full of freelancers who have years of experience in Vtuber streaming and advertising, and you can find hundreds of creators who have already dealt with tasks like this.

If you want to invest some money and find a person that will help you come up with the right Vtuber avatar for you, then Fiverr is the place with the most significant number of professionals that can help you fill out your avatar quickly.

3. Animaze

animaze vtuber software

Animaze is one of the best popular platforms for creating anime-style characters and avatars for all sorts of video games.

It offers a wide spectrum of different characters and features, allowing you to customize them and create content that will be useful on your streaming profile.

You can choose whether you will create a 2D Vtuber model or just a simple avatar, so it is suitable for gamers looking for different things.

Its services are quite effective, and although it can’t really provide you with the most original options, you will still find plenty of ways on the site that will help you create a 2D model that will stand out.

how to make a 2d vtuber avatar

Animaze can also be used as an app on your Android or iOS device, and you will be able to upload different model options or features you want to add, so if you know how to develop a character through these settings, you may be able to create everything by yourself, without having to purchase the pro version.

The pro version will provide you with some more options and can help you create a better single illustration, but if you don’t have too much money and you don’t have any special requirements, you can always stick with the free tutorial and create your character through this website free of charge.

However, make sure you see when does your free version expires and make sure you finish and save everything before the free trial version expires; otherwise, you will be left without your avatar.

4. VRoid Studio

VRoid studio is known to be one of the best software options for all sorts of avatars, and it is a website that is very easy to use and provides everyone with a follow-along tutorial.

It is made for people who are just starting out as Vtubers on game consoles and the Youtube platform, and it allows you to fill in all the details quickly.

You can choose your preferred hairstyle, create a facial expression that will be recognizable, and customize your clothes and accessories.

There are plenty of excellent services on VRoid you can use even if you don’t sign in because it is entirely free and open to everyone who has access to the internet.

You can also choose the type of content you will stream with this model, and the website will recommend you some features and options that are usually connected to it.

VRoid also allows you to explore the whole spectrum of colors, mic the features together and create new ones, and reproduce some of the features you have seen on other Vtubers, so it is an amazing option for all of you who don’t have the exact idea of what they want.

A user can always provide them with an example, and VRoid will show you features that can help you reproduce it, so it is undoubtedly a good option for all of you.

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Stefan Mitrovic

Stefan is a long-time content creator and one of the Stream Mentor's co-founders. He's a tech geek and a Dota 2 player (not even a good one) who wanted to help others become professional streamers and earn from the comfort of their home.