Secret of How to Become a Facebook Gaming Partner in 2024

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Just like when it comes to Twitch Partner status, becoming a Facebook gaming partner is the dream of most gaming creators because it provides them with both recognition in the gaming community and a lot of money.

Today, I will talk about how to become a Facebook Gaming partner. Here are the requirements:

1. Be a part of the Facebook Level Up program, meaning:

* At least 14 days of activity and 18+ years of age;
* 100+ followers on your Gaming Video Creator page;
* Stream gaming content for at least 4 hours on 2 different days in the last two weeks – you need to use proper game tags;

2. Create good content over time;

Continue reading to learn about this topic, since I’ll cover it in more detail below!

What Are the Requirements For a Gaming Partner?

Requirements For a Gaming Partner

Before you decide to become one of the Facebook gaming partners, you have to be aware that you need to fulfill two of their main conditions: become a part of the Level Up program and produce high-quality content, and have engaged followers all the time.

You should also know that if you play and stream games, there is no way you can be the one who reaches out to Facebook, but you rather have to wait for them to reach out to you and offer you to become a partner.

No matter how good your gaming content may be, you really need to have engaged followers who are active during your live streaming process because there is no way you can catch anyone’s attention if you have no fan subscriptions.

What Is Level Up Program?

Level Up program is something quite similar to the original Twitch affiliate program, except that this one is a partner program with the Facebook gaming page.

Once you get accepted to the Facebook gaming program, you will be able to unlock all the Facebook stars and get access to monetization tools.

This is probably the most important thing for all gamers and creators because they need to start making money as soon as they can if they want to keep their Twitch channel alive.

Once you fill out their eligibility criteria and unlock Facebook stars, you will be able to give your loyal fans and subscribers to donate money to you.

This also allows you to get money from those in-stream ads that are also pretty important on streaming platforms.

How Do You Get Into the Level Up Program?

If you want to get into the Facebook gaming program and achieve partner status with them, you will need to fill out these criteria:

  • Create a special “Gaming Video Creator” page on Facebook, or turn one of your old ones into a gaming creator page
  • Stream for at least four hours over the last two weeks
  • Have 100 or more followers on your official gaming page
  • Make sure your gaming page has been active for at least 30 days

The platform also offers you to see whether you are eligible for this program through their website, and you will see how many more live streams you need in order to get to that partner badge.

Once you become eligible for the program, you can enter the world of Facebook gaming easily by filling out their form through the site.

How Can You Make Yourself Visible to Facebook?

Facebook gaming partner

Since there is no way you can make yourself a star, you need to be active on the platform and do all that you need in order to stand out as a creator.

These are some of the things you should do in order to become more visible to Facebook Scouters:

1. Network with other Facebook friends who are also gaming partners

If you manage to network to get in touch with other people are in the Facebook gaming industry, especially if they are from your region or close surroundings, you will definitely be able to get significant pieces of advice that will help you elevate your experience.

They can also help you become more discoverable on Twitch which is always a great thing.

2. Build your streaming community

Like with all social media, it is very important to build a community for yourself that will make you more visible on Twitch and provide you with better interaction.

However, no matter how much interaction you may have, you will also need some good content because they definitely won’t allow you to earn stars with some amateur streams and videos.

If you are able to build your brand and maintain a loyal niche audience, you will definitely stand out among other streamers and become eligible for the program easily.

3. Create high-quality content

No matter how much experience in gaming you may have, you need to start streaming great content in order to build a good community and access a larger audience.

Only original and unique content can provide you with this, so make sure you know what things the audience wants and make sure your streams are up to the latest standards in the world of gaming are.

You should also make sure you have a strong social media presence on platforms like Youtube or Instagram because it can help you become one of the most popular creators easily.

4. Follow Facebooks Guidelines

If you want to draw attention from someone who is scouting people for the Facebook gaming platform, you will definitely have to follow Facebook guidelines and show that you are someone worth investing in.

In case they spot a gaming creator who seems to be breaking their rules and guidelines frequently, there is no way they will be able to unlock those Facebook stars and become one of the Facebook gaming partners.

I would recommend reading thoroughly through the Facebook page guidelines and making sure you respect all they want from you; otherwise, no fan subscriptions could help you become a part of the Level up program or get to the partner level.

You should also make sure that the music that is playing during your stream is according to their rules or is a part of royalty-free music you can find on Facebook gaming.

This feature is the best for people who often stream because it provides songs that won’t be taken down by DMCA, which is always a great thing.

Since new streamers don’t have access to this, you can always try out Epidemic sound because all of their melodies are free of any copyright, and you can even test out many different songs before you choose the right one.

5. Focus on the audience

The most important thing for all people who engage in streaming and want to build a brand for themselves in this niche is to focus on the audience and give them the content they are seeking.

Make sure to build a bond with your users and viewers because this is the way they will decide to support you and come back to your streams on a daily basis.

You should always respond to their comments, follow your follower’s count and follow back those who seem to be the most loyal to you, and even recommend their channel to other gamers if you believe they could become successful streamers too.

These are all the things that will help you connect with the audience easily and become a creator everyone knows and cherishes, and at the same time, find your way to become a Facebook gaming partner.

6. Have a streaming schedule

Consistency is the key with everything, so it is not only important to stream frequently but also to stream in a certain schedule so that your follower know when they can expect something new from you.

All Facebook stars have their own streaming schedule and it is always best to stick to it if you want to attract both the attention of Facebook and active viewers on the platform.

I believe that you should also ignore the viewer account and rather focus on the people who are loyal to you and keep on commenting and supporting you all the time.

Make sure you have a strict schedule and always update at that exact time, and make sure to announce if there will be no stream for some reason.

How Much Do Facebook Partners Earn?

All Facebook partners earn 0.01 USD for each star that they get donated by viewers, and they can also earn from fan subscriptions that are usually 5 dollars per month.

However, you will have to wait for the payday a bit more time because all gaming partners usually need to gather at least 100 dollars before the platform transfers it to their account.

Payouts usually come to your account within 30 to 60 days.

All Facebook partners also have the opportunity to engage in different sponsorships and ads, which is also a great source of income, if not the biggest.


What is a Facebook gaming partner?

A Facebook gaming partner is someone who has successfully surpassed their Level up program and managed to become discovered by the Facebook gaming platform. They are able to get monetized and earn money from both their views and ads, which makes it the ultimate goal for all Twitch streamers.

How do I become a Facebook gaming partner?

Becoming a Facebook gaming partner is, in general, quite easy; you just have to follow the rules and requirements that we have already discussed above.

How much do Facebook partners make?

How much a Facebook partner will earn usually depends on his consistency and the number of audiences he is able to gather, but a large amount of his income also comes from donations and tips other people use.

The larger the audience, the higher the income, but you can also earn a lot of money through their ads and sponsorships even if you don’t have millions of followers.

What are the benefits of being a Facebook gaming partner?

There are plenty of benefits and features you will get access to once you become a Facebook gaming partner, and access to special events and gaming features are probably the most important ones.

They will also make you a lot more recognizable in the community and help you gain a larger number of loyal followers, which will lead to an increase in your income.

You will be able to network with other successful streamers and even get support for your channel from them, and your viewers will get a much better experience.

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Stefan Mitrovic

Stefan is a long-time content creator and one of the Stream Mentor's co-founders. He's a tech geek and a Dota 2 player (not even a good one) who wanted to help others become professional streamers and earn from the comfort of their home.