Occasionally, people visit various official and unofficial sites on the internet, often downloading apps, music, and potentially a virus or two.
One of those well-known yet lesser-known apps is often VoiceMeeter or one of its derivative programs, such as VoiceMeeter Banana. The question is, is VoiceMeeter safe to use?
While it may seem like a relic from the Windows XP era, this piece of software serves a valuable purpose—provided you obtained it from a trusted and legitimate site.
If you are among those who downloaded this file onto your Windows computer and are concerned about whether it is malware, this post is the right place for you!
So sit tight, right-click, and scroll down—we are going to take a quick look at VoiceMeeter to determine whether this software is a dangerous download or simply a benign file on your computer.
Table of Contents
What Is VoiceMeeter?

Contrary to how it may appear at first glance, this is not malware designed to steal your personal information or disrupt your PC; VoiceMeeter is a virtual audio device, not a virus.
In fact, it has earned the reputation of being the “holy grail” for many audio-savvy streamers who wish to integrate various input devices and maximize the potential of this software. They often download additional tools like VoiceMeeter Banana to enhance their sound production or streaming experience.
It is a highly convenient way to mix and manage all your audio sources from or to any device or app in just a moment’s notice! While we can’t explore every option it offers in this post, it can even utilize the echo of your voice.
The exciting aspect is that hardware input, including microphones and other connected input devices like cable inputs, is functional!
While already impressive, its main selling point is that it serves as a digital audio mixer, capable of blending your voice with any video game, web browser, or music player you can access.
As you can imagine, the level of control over numerous inputs that can be customized by the user has significantly increased its popularity among podcast producers and many streaming enthusiasts.
VoiceMeeter input is highly flexible and powerful, supporting hardware outputs from two physical devices and one virtual device (consider virtual cable audio bridge applications like the VAC).
In summary, the legitimate version of VoiceMeeter (including versions like VoiceMeeter Banana and VoiceMeeter Potato) is not designed to harm your PC network or system, nor will it damage your monitor or any other equipment – it is simply an audio mixer.
However, your system may be infected with a Trojan that appears to be a legitimate file but is actually capable of damaging your system or stealing your data, particularly if you downloaded VoiceMeeter from random, potentially dubious websites that are prevalent on the internet.
Since prevention is the best medicine, scanning the installed application and verifying the download link is a good starting point. Here’s how you can do it:
How to Check if VoiceMeeter Is Not Malware in Disguise?
First and foremost, we need to locate the console program for this virtual audio device, developed by VB-Audio Software. The .exe extension indicates the executable file we are seeking.
By using Microsoft’s Process Explorer, we can determine whether a file is a virus or a legitimate Windows PC process by following these steps:
By default, most legitimate Windows software processes should have the “Verified Signer” status. In contrast, if you receive an “Unable to Verify” response, you may want to investigate the process and potentially trace back to the download link from which you obtained it, provided it is not a system process.
Typically, you can find this virtual audio device, with its executable located in a subfolder at C:Program FilesvbVoiceMeeter
By default, even if there is a discrepancy between the described file and you notice your hardware outputs slowing down, it could very well be a virus. You will have control over the deletion process if it turns out to be an issue.
However, a quick online search reveals that approximately 5% of all users uninstall this software. VoiceMeeter Potato, along with VoiceMeeter Banana and its basic version, if legitimate, are essential pieces of software.
Being able to mix your voice and music into platforms such as Google Voice and Skype, along with cross-platform capabilities in general, is highly sought after during the production of professional stream sessions.
Additionally, VoiceMeeter allows you to connect two USB headphones or speakers, enabling interviews or co-op stream sessions to be conducted in multichannel modes.
You can also enhance your gaming and streaming sessions with cross-platform audio mixing. You can even connect your phone to your computer, opening up potentially endless possibilities!
The capabilities of VoiceMeeter are significantly enhanced with the installation of VoiceMeeter Banana or VoiceMeeter Potato, as both offer additional audio and sound-enhancing mixing features. It can also integrate with Windows sound settings for even greater functionality!
If you understand the value that VoiceMeeter output functions can provide and how they can improve your hardware’s cross-functionality, you may want to keep it on your PC if it proves to be legitimate.
How to Remove VoiceMeeter
If virtual inputs and audio hardware mixing software aren’t your interests, or if it turns out to be malware, there are a few ways to remove this audio device mixer from your Windows system.
If you suspect a virus is involved and want to ensure its removal, you can use Reimage to perform a diagnostic scan on your file and, subsequently, on your entire Windows system.
This program will automatically scan every nook and cranny of your PC’s hard drive. If it detects a virus, simply right-click on this program and start it up.
If you want to have full control over the deletion process, you can carry out the removal manually:
If it turns out to be a virus, check your previously connected input devices, such as your microphone, speakers, and headphones.
If the observed deviations cease, you are in the clear. However, if they persist, you may want to hire a professional to inspect your devices for any potential damage.
How to Repair VoiceMeeter
If you are dealing with viruses and corrupt or damaged software that produces unsatisfactory virtual inputs, but you appreciate the cross-platform capabilities it offers, there is hope for recovery!
The great thing about this volume icon is that you can enjoy its volume-enhancing audio outputs, even if you obtained the file set from an unofficial link, provided it is not malware, by following a few easy steps.

1. Clean and Scan Your Computer
The default solution for many common issues is to use the commands “cleanmgr” and “sfc /scannow” in your command prompt (these commands require administrator privileges).
2. Review Your Downloads
Do you recall the post or last search where you discovered the download link? Did you notice any significant changes in how your Windows PC or hardware operated before the installation?
If you obtained it from questionable sites that might compromise its overall sound output, you can easily uninstall the program and reinstall it. Afterward, test the outputs from the mixer and see if it functions properly with other programs like Skype.
3. Utilize a professional virus remover
If the situation is critical and requires immediate action, you can protect both your sound mixer and your PC by using a third-party antivirus scan. For this purpose, we recommend Malwarebytes.
Is VoiceMeeter safe?
VoiceMeeter (as well as VoiceMeeter banana and VoiceMeeter potato variants) are legitimate professional pieces of audio software that can enhance your outputs and bring you a unique sound experience. If it is not a harmful Trojan out to harm your windows system, it is an excellent addition for streamers and content creators who value high-quality audio mixing, which might make your worries for the safety of your system a mere echo in your memory once you find out how useful it can be. With a plethora of options for mixing different sounds into one, it is a worthy addition for every audio engineer.
Where can I download VoiceMeeter?
Commonly found on both official and many other sites, the safest bet is to get it from the former- on the u003ca href=u0022https://vb-audio.com/Voicemeeter/u0022 target=u0022_blanku0022 rel=u0022noreferrer noopeneru0022u003eofficial websiteu003c/au003e. You can also find additional versions of the basic programs such as u003ca href=u0022https://vb-audio.com/Voicemeeter/banana.htmu0022 target=u0022_blanku0022 rel=u0022noreferrer noopeneru0022u003eVoiceMeeter Bananau003c/au003e and u003ca href=u0022https://vb-audio.com/Voicemeeter/potato.htmu0022 target=u0022_blanku0022 rel=u0022noreferrer noopeneru0022u003eVoiceMeeter Potatou003c/au003e. With u0022VoiceMeeter inputu0022 as your default playback device, you can expect a whole range of both simple and complex sounds to be at the palm of your hand- never has implementing so many inputs and combining audio devices been so easy!