Sometimes Twitch can be very chaotic, especially when it comes to big channels with a lot of followers and, thus, a lot of people in one chat and at that time those streamers would probably like to disable Twitch chat completely.
However, Twitch has remembered how to slow down Twitch chat and tons of messages in it.
Enabling Twitch Slow Mode:
1. Type “/slow ” without brackets;
2. Click the “Chat Settings” icon > Slow Mode > Choose delay time;
Disabling Twitch Slow Mode:
1. Type “/slowoff” in chat;
2. Go to “Chat Settings” > click on “Slow Mode” to disable it;
Most people who use Twitch regularly know what Slow Mode is, but for those of you who are new on Twitch, or perhaps haven’t used it yet, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about it in the following text.
Table of Contents
What is Slow Mode on Twitch?
Twitch chat Slow Mode allows you to limit how often people in your chat room are allowed to send messages.
Twitch Slow Mode command can be used by any channel and at any time, but it is mostly used by channels with a lot of viewers and a lot of people in the chat.
So, when streamers can’t keep up with all the messages in the chat anymore, they opt for the Slow Mode option.
Now, you are probably wondering how Slowmode Twitch offers actually works.
Well, Slow Mode basically delays messages by the number of seconds that the streamer has previously chosen.
Another important thing to say is that not only streamers but also moderators can turn this mode on.
So, streamers don’t even have to bother themselves with this issue or distract themselves from streaming, because their moderators can solve the problem in no time.
Therefore, we’ve explained what the Slow Mode is about and now we need to explain to you how to turn off Slow Mode on Twitch as well as how to turn it on.
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How to Turn Twitch Slow Mode On/Off?
Enabling Slow Mode
![Enabling Slow Mode](
When it comes to enabling Slow Mode, there are two ways in which that can be done.
One of them is faster and the other is slightly slower than the first one.
So, if you are a streamer without moderators, you will probably opt for the faster way because you don’t want to lose any precious time.
On the other hand, if you are a Twitch moderator you most likely have more time to spare, so you might choose the second way.
1. Way No. 1
With this faster way, you type the command directly in the chat and you don’t have to lose time on boring clicking.
The only thing you have to do is to type “/slow” in your chat and then the number of seconds you want your chat to be delayed by.
Keep in mind that you need spacing after “/slow”, otherwise the command won’t work.
What is good with this way, apart from speed, is the fact that you can type any number of seconds as the delay time, whereas with the other way, which we will present you next, you would have to choose from preset times that Twitch has given you.
2. Way No. 2
For this way the keyboard is not enough, you would have to use the mouse.
Namely, you need to click the cogwheel icon at the bottom of your chatbox.
After doing that, the menu called “Chat Settings” will appear.
Then just choose the “Slow Mode” option from the menu and choose the delay time (it can be 3 seconds, 10 seconds, etc.).
Finally, regardless of the way you chose, if you enabled Slow Mode properly a message should appear in your chat and that message is: “(streamers name) enabled (delay time-number of seconds) slow mode for this room.”
Disabling Slow Mode
![Disabling Slow Mode](
We can assume that the chaos in the chat will stop at some point and that the number of people will decrease as well as the number of messages so you will want to turn the Slow Mode off and get your chat back to normal mode.
Now we’ll show you how to disable this mode.
Again, there are two ways of doing this, and, again, which one you will use will depend on your preference and spare time you have as well as on the fact whether you have moderators or not.
As with enabling, we’ll present you both ways and let you pick your favorite.
1. Way No. 1
This way is similar to the first way for enabling.
Once more you have to type the command directly in the chat and the command is “/slowoff”.
Notice that the words “slow” and “off” should not be separated.
After you type this in your chat box the Slow Mode will be disabled.
2. Way No. 2
This way also requires the use of the mouse, but the process is basically the same as when enabling.
Again click the cogwheel icon, choose the “Slow Mode” option from the menu, click it and the Slow Mode will be turned off.
As with enabling, if you have successfully disabled this mode, the message “(streamers name) disabled slow mode for this room.”
Last but not least, it is essential that you don’t forget to turn the Slow Mode off.
Namely, if you turn it on, you most likely don’t want it to remain enabled forever.
However, sometimes streamers even forget that they have previously enabled it and then, accidentally but yet logically, forget to turn it off either.
In case this happens to you, your viewers will be bewildered and will eventually leave your live stream.
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Who and Why Should Use Slow Mode on Twitch?
Finally, let’s answer the questions of who should use Slow Mode and why should people use it.
You would probably think that some of the biggest channels on Twitch use Slow Mode because they have thousands of people watching live and messaging in the chat.
Well, I have to tell you that you are wrong.
Streamers with huge channels who have thousands of people in the chat can’t find Slow Mode helpful because that is an enormous number of messages and not even Slow Mode can provide any help.
But of course, there are some, although a minority of them, who have a lot of moderators who do all the chat-related work for them and they manage to create an agreeable message pace in their chat.
If you are a streamer with a gigantic and extremely popular channel you simply have to learn how to live with the fact that there are thousands of messages in your chat.
However, if you are a streamer with, let’s say, a couple of hundred messages, Slow Mode can be very useful.
Not only because you will be able to answer all the messages, but also because you’ll be able to keep track and control some perhaps inappropriate messages in the chat.
Slow Mode can be especially helpful to those streamers whose channels have gained popularity in a short period of time.
Therefore, they were maybe used to 30-50 people in the chat and then all of a sudden there were 200-300 people there.
In that situation, it’s tough to adapt to it and to adjust your streaming process to those new conditions.
Finally, my piece of advice to all streamers who are reading this text is to use Slow Mode only when it’s really necessary.
Let me explain.
![Who and Why Should Use Slow Mode on Twitch](
Twitch is all about real communication and connection between the streamer and the viewers.
If you have a small number of people in the chat and still want to turn the Slow Mode on, you will kind of ruin that connection that you have with your viewers, especially if there are, like, 50 of them and you feel lazy to answer to their messages.
That can leave an impression that you don’t respect your viewers and fans enough and they will stop watching your content.
On the other hand, if your chat is really overwhelmed by people and their messages, then Slow Mode is a normal thing to use and nobody will blame you for doing that.
Finally, not using or avoiding using the Slow Mode can be a little practice for you as a streamer.
Namely, if there are a hundred people in your chat and you find it tough to answer all the messages, but you somehow manage to do that, my piece of advice is to continue without Slow Mode as long as you can.
This way, you will gain experience and become skillful with streaming and chatting at the same time.
I think that every aspiring and serious streamer has to be able to do that kind of multitasking and one day you will be grateful to all the people who you thought were a pain in your neck when you began your streaming career.
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Frequently Asked Questions
How do you put chat in Slow Mode?
As mentioned in the text you can put the chat in Slow Mode by typing “/slow” and the number of seconds you want the chat to be delayed by or by using the cogwheel at the bottom of your chatbox. Keep in mind that if you use the cogwheel option you can’t use a custom number of seconds but only the preset time given by Twitch.
What is Twitch Slow Mode in chat?
Twitch Slow mode is the option that allows you to set a limit on how often your viewers are allowed to send messages. Therefore, with this mode, you can slow down Twitch chat and the messages in it in order to manage to answer all of them as well as to control what is happening in your chat room.
How do I turn on Slow Mode?
The answer to this question is basically the same as the answer to the first question in the FAQ section. So, you can turn on Slow Mode by typing “/slow” and the number of seconds you want the chat to be delayed by or by using the cogwheel at the bottom of your chatbox. Keep in mind that if you use the cogwheel option you can’t use a custom number of seconds but only the preset time given by Twitch.
How do I get rid of Slow Mode?
You can either use a cogwheel option to turn the Slow Mode off or you can simply type “/slowoff” in the chatbox and the Slow Mode will be disabled.
What is Slow Mode on Discord?
Slow Mode on Discord limits the number of messages one user is allowed to send in a channel based on a timed cooldown. The time limit can be customized from 5 seconds to 2 minutes by the streamer.
In conclusion, we can just say that Slow Mode is a very useful thing, but that you should choose wisely when you are going to use it.
We hope that you have found this text useful and helpful and the decision about using or not using the Slow Mode will be made only by you and based on your assessment of the situation.
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