Disboard – Easy and Quick Disboard Guide [Best Tips]

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Since Discord is becoming more and more popular these days, people are constantly trying to find ways to make its use easier.

Namely, there are tons of servers on Discord and one cannot be interested in all of them.

But how to find suitable servers without using the Discord server browser for hours and without losing a lot of precious time?

Well, that’s where Disboard enters the scene.

What is Disboard?


So, Disboard is actually a website that organizes Discord servers and that way facilitates the search of servers.

Even though Disboard has no connections to Discord, a bunch of Discord users still use this website as well given that it makes it much easier for them to find servers they are interested in.

Disboard manages to do this by allowing users who have their own servers to add certain tags to them in order to make them different from other servers.

This way, Discord servers become more visible and easier to find, so it could be said that Disboard at the same time helps both users who are looking for servers as well as other users, people who want their servers to be visited.

The above-mentioned tag usually contains words that briefly, and in the best possible way explain what a certain server is about.

Therefore, some of the tags that can be found on Disboard are memes, art, games, chat, anime, community, music, emoji, technology, etc.

Is using Disboard safe?

The answer is yes, using Disboard is safe.

As a matter of fact, it is as safe as using other normal websites.

First of all, the Disboard website is secured by reCAPTCHA and both Google Terms of Service and Google Privacy Policy are applied to this site.

Apart from that, all users who would like to add new servers to Disboard have to agree on certain terms and rules they have to respect.

In case they do not follow those rules and don’t respect them, although they are obliged to, their account will be deleted and banned from Disboard, and their servers will be removed from the website by moderators.

Besides, any server owner who “doesn’t play by the rules” will no longer be able to add his servers to Disboard.org.

However, you need to keep in mind that Disboard is not responsible for any security problem that occurs on Discord.

You have to understand that Disboard only lists Discord servers and any security-related issue that happens on Discord is under the jurisdiction of this website, even though you may have found those problematic servers on Disboard.

Nevertheless, I have to calm you and tell you that I have multiple servers and have been using Disboard for some time now, and I haven’t had even the slightest security issue on this website.

So, to sum up, feel free to use Disboard and don’t worry about security since both you and your data are completely safe.

Can Disboard Help You Grow Your Discord Server?

It certainly can.

The very fact that you can add any tag to your own Discord server automatically means that any user is going to be able to find your server much easier, of course, if it is his or her sphere of interest and, most importantly, support it.

Now, in order to keep your server “freshly” advertised on Disboard, you need to post your server several times a day.

Among people who use Disboard, this posting is colloquially called “bumping”.

To reduce and, possibly, eliminate spamming, Disboard allows you to bump your server every couple of hours.

I suppose this bumping 5-6 times per day seems dull and tiring to you.

And I understand you, because who wouldn’t find constant logging in and bumping boring.

Luckily, Disboard has made an effort and managed to solve this problem by introducing Discord server bots.

Namely, bots can be set to bump your own servers automatically several times a day.

So, you can practically do nothing concerning Disboard and focus on other important things, and your server will still be constantly bumped and, hence, promoted.

To me, it sounds pretty good.

Now, if you are wondering how to use a bot and its services and, at the same time, grow your own server using Disboard, check out some useful tips below.

Growing a server using Disboard

Growing a server using Disboard?

Now I will explain to you how to bump Discord servers on Disboard, and how to set a bot that will bump your server every couple of hours automatically.

  • Create an account on Disboard.
  • After you’ve created the account login into it and give Disboard the necessary authorization to access your account.
  • Find the “Add New Server” option and choose a server you want to add to Disboard.
  • Fill out some necessary information about the server (language, category, add tags, and a description) and click “Save”.
  • Afterward, click “Continue”.
  • The next step would be to click “Authorize” and, this way, give the authorization to the Disboard bot to access your server (this way you will enable the bot option and the automatic bumping of your server).
  • After you’ve completed the previous step, you are supposed to get an automated message from the Disboard bot on your Discord server.
  • Now you are ready to bump your server. To do so type “!d bump” (no quotation marks).

In order to avoid unnecessary and repeating logging in and bumping, you need to set the bot to automatically post your server.

To do that, you simply have to set the bot to type the “!d bump” message every couple of hours.

On the other hand, if you still want to bump your server manually, without the bot’s assistance, and you are not sure how much time you have to wait until you are allowed to bump again, you can find the timer on your dashboard on Disboard.

Is it worth it?

From my perspective, it is totally worth it.

Namely, if we take into consideration and realize that this entire advertising and posting is free, that’s already something that hard to find on the market.

Additionally, if you set the bot to do all the work for you that means that you neither have to do nor pay anything and your Discord server will grow.

Of course, that growth won’t be immense and you have to understand that, but I assure you that there will be new people and members every day on your Discord server.

So whoever tricks himself into expecting some huge growth will end up being disappointed.

However, I would just like to remind you that success doesn’t happen overnight in the online world, and that patience and consistency are key factors for creating a strong and successful Internet gaming or streaming business.

And if you manage to combine Disboard and other ways for growing your Discord server everything will be great.

When I say other ways, I mostly mean other sites and social networks and streaming platforms that are more popular among gamers than Disboard.


In conclusion, I would like to recommend Disboard to all Discord users since it’s free and you have nothing to lose, you can just gain.

You don’t waste your time and money and if you manage to advertise your Discord server a bit more on Instagram, YouTube, or Twitter, you’ll create strong advertising machinery for promoting your Discord server.

Finally, I hope that you liked the text and that you learned something new about Discord server growth and Disboard in general.


What does Disboard bot do?

Simply said, Disboard bots save your time. Instead of bumping your Discord server manually several times a day, you can set the Disboard bot to do that for you.

This way, you are sure your server will grow and you don’t even have to be present and active on Disboard.org. So, simply let the Disboard bot do everything for you and focus on the further development of your server.

How do you Disboard on Discord?

Disboard is the website that makes lists of Discord servers and makes it easier to find them.

By adding tags and other descriptive means about your Discord server on Disboard, you are making sure that users who are interested in topics that can be found on your server are actually going to be able to find them without having to browse for hours.

Of course, everything you do is still on Discord and Disboard is simply a, let’s say, bridge that links a Discord server and its visitors.

How do you use the Disboard command?

There are a lot of Discord bot commands, but the most important of all slash commands on Disboard is the “!d bump” command because this command allows you to post your server on top of the list at that moment and, hence, increases the chances for your channel to be seen.

This command can be used every two hours and can be either typed manually or automatically. If you decide to use the manual option, you need to log in to your account every couple of hours and bump yourself.

On the other hand, the automatic command includes a Disboard bot that will do the bumping work instead of you.

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Stefan Mitrovic

Stefan is a long-time content creator and one of the Stream Mentor's co-founders. He's a tech geek and a Dota 2 player (not even a good one) who wanted to help others become professional streamers and earn from the comfort of their home.