Youtube Channel Names For Gaming: 4 Steps Formula!

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When creating your Youtube gaming channel, you will encounter a lot of obstacles and tasks you need to complete before you actually create it.

Coming up with the name for your Youtube channel can be quite time-consuming, and you really need to get creative if you don’t want your Youtube channel name to resemble someone else’s.

For that reason, we have decided to provide you with some tips for Youtube channel names for gaming that will make it easier for you to build your own brand and create a unique Youtube channel.

When you decide to start your gaming career and create a Youtube channel where you will post videos, you will also need to build a brand out of yourself and create a channel name that people will easily associate with your online personal.

Even though most people think the hardest thing in the whole starting process is getting people to click that subscribe button, coming up with Youtube channel names for gaming is definitely much harder.

The gaming Youtube niche is quite big, and if you want to reach your target audience, you will need to put a lot of effort into the look of your channel and to come up with your channel name.

These are some of the tips you should follow when trying to create your own Youtube channel name.

1. Figure Out Your Online Personality And Vibe

As you have probably realized, the best gaming channel names are completely unique, and you could never imagine someone else using them except the person behind the account.

For that reason, I would always recommend you to come up with something that can easily be connected with you, whether that be the nickname your family has given you or some stupid thing you tend to say whenever you are playing games.

You should first do a video check and see how you appear on camera, what your presence is like and what are traits can be associated with a person that plays games just like you.

While most people will try out those game generators hoping they would recommend them a good gaming name, I always recommend writing out all the things you will do and share on your live streams on the paper, realizing what is the catchiest thing about your personality, and trying to create a name that will allow you to build a brand out of yourself.

youtube gaming channel trends

This will not only help you get more viewers, but you will also be able to create a gaming Youtube channel that is like no other, and people will easily recognize you among hundreds of other gaming Youtube channels with similar names.

All successful Youtube channel names for gaming have one thing in common: originality, so make sure your Youtube channel name is also something new and unique viewers haven’t seen before.

This is a video streaming platform, and the personality will definitely sell the product, but you should still make sure you come up with a Youtube channel name that will be compatible with your personality.

2. Figure Out Your Target Audience

Once you realize who the people who would be attracted to your Youtube gaming channel are, you should find a way to promote it to them.

If you know that people who would follow your gaming channel are interested in Minecraft or World of Warcraft, you should come up with gaming channel names that can easily be connected to it.

When they are searching for people who are streaming this game, if you have a channel name that is connected to it, they will easily find you on Youtube, and you will appear on their homepage all the time.

This is one of the easiest ways you can grow your community and find people who have the same interests as you and would enjoy your content.

3. Research Trends

If you want to become a big Youtube creator, you will also need to find out the biggest trends in the community at the moment to make your content stand out on the platform.

Always follow what are the most popular hashtags out there and make sure you follow what the biggest Youtube channels are doing because the same strategy can provide everyone with amazing results.

To make your Youtube gaming channel blow up, you will need to do the things that are popular on this platform right now, and even if you don’t like it, you can be sure that is the best strategy to grow your community becomes recognized on Youtube.

4. Share It On Your Social Media

Even if you are not a person who has thousands of followers, this is a good strategy to follow because it can provide you with a lot more views and subscribers, even if those are just people from your family or old high school friends.

Every single view and subscriber matter, so make sure you get the most out of your social media accounts because once people start following you, you will also perform a lot better on Youtube, and there are higher chances for gaining success.

Your Youtube gaming channel name can be a dealbreaker in your potential career, so make sure you choose something that is catchy and that people will easily remember because that is the way you will grow your platform.

Whether you are playing popular mobile games or you are in the world of Minecraft, you will need to have an attractive Youtube channel if you want to succeed in the gaming industry.

Using name generators and basic pieces of advice from the internet should be your last step, so make sure you think through everything before you decide to do this.

What Are The Words I Need To Use In My Gaming Channel Name?

There are plenty of specific words you should use if you want to make sure your Youtube channel name will show it to the target audience and perform better on the platform.

Since there is no special gaming part of Youtube, you will need to compete with everyone else, so the more specific your Youtube channel names for gaming are, the easier it will be for you to blow up on the platform.

These are some of the words and phrases you should consider adding to your gaming Youtube channel name if you want to stand out.

  • game
  • gaming
  • gamer
  • streamer
  • throne
  • marvel
  • gaming guard
  • fortnite
  • minecraft
  • LOL
  • FIFA
  • world of warcraft
  • gaming crusader
  • fantasy
  • world
  • sonic
  • vision
  • gaming cube
  • saga
  • squad
  • videogames
  • valorant
  • Nintendo
  • hub
  • treasure
  • enemy
  • nerdy
  • gaming guru
  • gaming trainer
  • unbeatable
  • the brain of the game
  • vlogger
  • odd squad
  • (the name of the game) lover
  • gaming with (your name)
  • PlayStation
  • gamer mode
  • how to master (the name of the game)
  • gamer zone

Even though these probably are not the best option for those who want to have a unique name, they can still give you ideas, and if you are an avid gamer, you can discuss other options with friends and see the names of the most successful channels are.

However, keep in mind that those who have millions of subscribers these days were creating their Youtube channels when there was no gaming industry as it is today, so it was a lot easier for them to succeed – people were watching them because there weren’t too many creators and they were able to blow up quickly.

For that reason, when you see that someone has a unique name and millions of followers, but the name is absolute nonsense, keep this in mind and try harder to come up with names for Youtube.

youtube logo sign

There are still so many Youtube channel names for gaming that are free on all social media platforms, and I would recommend you to explore all other gaming Youtube channels before you make the final decision.

It will help you realize what are the keys to success and also inspire you so that you come up with a cool idea for your gaming channel.

If you really like to play games and update your gaming channel frequently, you will be able to succeed, either way, so don’t stress too much about things like this.

What Is The Best Youtube Channel Name Generator?

If your thinking process wasn’t that successful, and you have no idea what your Youtube channel should be named, there are some same generators on the internet that can help you out.

However, keep in mind that someone may already use Youtube gaming channel names that will pop up on these generators and that thousands will see them of other people, so even if you find your choice on this one, make sure you customize it a little bit.

These are some of the best Youtube gaming channel name generators:

Business Name Generator

Don’t let the name of the website fool you because a Business name generator has options for all sorts of business, including Youtube channel names for gaming.

If you are looking for a good Youtube name, this is a great place to start because they can provide you with millions of different options based on the words you have entered.

With this one, you can type in all the keywords you believe can be associated with your Youtube channel and see what the gaming channel names it comes up with are.

Sometimes it can have great recommendations you would never think of because you didn’t look that deep into the Youtube channel names for gaming, and you should think twice about every suggestion that appears.

This platform also offers the GoDaddy feature that will inform you about the domain availability so that it can help you out a lot.

You should always read through all Youtube gaming channel names before you make the final decision because you never know when something in your mind may click, and you come up with your combo of words for a nickname.

Name Bounce

This is also a popular website that will help you come up with different gaming channel names, but it doesn’t follow trends or SEO efficiency, so its recommendations may not be the most valuable ones.

Name Bounce will also suggest you Youtube gaming channel names that are already in use so that it can be a waste of time a little bit, but I would still recommend you to scroll through their suggestions and see what you can make out of it.


Spinxo is also a username generator that can be a great source of ideas for your gaming channel name, and it can be used for different social media platforms.

Whether you have a channel dedicated to LOL or Fortnite, you will see some recommendations on this one, and it tries to eliminate existing gaming channel names, so it is probably one of the best generator options out there.

It will also provide you with pieces of advice that can help you create your gaming channel name, so I would consult it before I make the final decision.

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Stefan Mitrovic

Stefan is a long-time content creator and one of the Stream Mentor's co-founders. He's a tech geek and a Dota 2 player (not even a good one) who wanted to help others become professional streamers and earn from the comfort of their home.