Tik Tok Comments: Complete Guide + 10 Best Strategies

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While views and likes are the most commonly sought-after metrics when building an online career, the number of TikTok comments you receive also significantly impacts your overall engagement.

Essentially, the more comments you receive, the better. However, achieving this is not as simple as just reaching a larger audience.

There are various strategies you can employ to encourage your followers to comment more on each TikTok post, or you can choose to purchase TikTok comments.

That’s why I will review some social media guides on:

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  • '); " id="ub-styled-list-item-ca2ac415-de2d-45cb-ae89-540e42025aab">How TikTok comments affect your engagement and how they work
  • '); " id="ub-styled-list-item-b1ab6e5d-f2e6-40e1-9d2a-4484c422431e">What are the 10 best strategies to get more comments from your TikTok followers
  • '); " id="ub-styled-list-item-e49d4b80-8a84-40c8-9421-f7fa6967527c">What are the effects of deleting TikTok comments
  • '); " id="ub-styled-list-item-efe45759-9237-43c1-9692-cb59296203fc">Should you purchase TikTok comments and where can you buy TikTok comments

Let’s dive right in!

TikTok Comments and Engagement

The way TikTok comments boost your engagement is similar to that of other social media platforms, making it an effective tool to gain TikTok popularity.

Generally, the more people engage with your content, the greater the likelihood that the algorithm will feature your TikTok posts on new For You pages, resulting in more viewers and TikTok fans.

However, comments can hold significant meaning.

When you provide only a glimpse of something, it does not necessarily indicate that people like it or that it deserves to be shared with a wider audience.

The same applies to likes. The more people who like your content, the more the TikTok algorithm recognizes it as valuable and worth promoting to a wider audience.

However, viewing something is a relatively simple action. You don’t engage deeply with that piece of content.

When you like something, it requires a bit more effort, signaling that your post is more interesting than those that primarily have just a lot of views.

However, commenting on something requires significantly more effort than merely viewing it.

If many people leave comments on your post, it indicates that your post deserves significant attention. This is because individuals are willing to pause their mindless scrolling, open the comment section, type a response, and tap the comment button.

That’s why comments can be invaluable for your TikTok account, and why you should aim to receive numerous TikTok comments from your fans.

This is one aspect of social media where the principle “every type of marketing is good marketing” applies. Regardless of whether you receive mostly positive comments or not, the TikTok algorithm recognizes this as engagement. This engagement serves as social proof that your posts are worth viewing on the TikTok app.

Of course, receiving negative comments can be detrimental in various ways. While you might gain popularity due to the chain reaction they create, it is advisable to avoid actions that would provoke such responses.

We’ve all observed influencers across various social media platforms who utilize this strategy as their main tool for gaining popularity, but I strongly advise you to avoid it.

Being controversial in the social media landscape can certainly help you gain TikTok followers, free TikTok comments, and overall attention for your TikTok content. However, this strategy may only be effective for a limited time before people become annoyed by such behavior.

While certain stars have played that role on social media for a long time and continue to grow their careers, being associated with negative aspects can result in lost future opportunities, such as sponsorship deals. Companies prefer not to work with individuals who could damage their reputation and consequently cost them money.

how to post comment on tik tok

This is particularly important in recent days, as the audience has become much more aware and critical of what content creators do and say.

There have been numerous instances where prominent figures in the Internet entertainment industry lost their jobs and deals due to controversies. It is important to note that these were controversies that would not have elicited any reaction just a few years ago.

Whether cancel culture is consistently justified, and whether its existence is ultimately beneficial or detrimental, is a discussion for another time. For now, we can agree that building your career and attracting TikTok comments through negative behavior is something to be avoided.

If you begin receiving negative comments that offer constructive criticism, take them into account, but do not promote them. Ultimately, not every TikTok comment holds the same value.

Who Can Leave TikTok Comments on Your TikTok Videos

If you prefer, not everyone can leave comments on your TikTok posts.

By default, we often assume that anyone can comment on our posts, but that is not always the case; you hold the power over that.

Depending on your TikTok account type—public or private—different individuals can leave comments, and you also have the option to further curate them.

Here are the individuals who can leave comments on your TikTok posts:

    '); --ub-list-item-fa-li-top: 3px; --ub-list-item-spacing: 0px; " class="wp-block-ub-styled-list ub_styled_list" id="ub_styled_list-c908f461-eb70-4b01-8c2d-5c6566d584ec">
  • '); " id="ub-styled-list-item-04e4c613-67b3-47f7-aa01-c63d22dab351">Everyone – if you have a public profile, by default, anyone on the app will be able to comment on your posts, so you have the potential for a vast audience there.
  • '); " id="ub-styled-list-item-a4a83c08-a3fb-4ee9-872f-20e857c6fca2">Followers – if you have a private account, only the people following you will be able to comment on your posts. That’s because only they are the ones who can see the content, so it’s not that easy to attract a new audience.
  • '); " id="ub-styled-list-item-dcfd1495-62f5-446a-b7b0-9decf55635be">Friends – this is an option that you can turn on and off in your Settings, and once it’s on, the people who can comment on your posts will be only the people that you follow and who also follow you back.

Additionally, you can completely disable comments on all of your videos if you desire more privacy.

If there is a specific TikTok video that you want to prevent from gaining any more attention, you can disable the comments on each video individually.

Overall, you have quite good control over what happens on your profile and with other TikTok users.

My advice is to keep everything open and only impose restrictions if a specific TikTok video of yours begins to cause issues, such as when people start leaving nasty comments without any clear reason.

Additionally, receiving comments from TikTok users across the platform can only benefit your social media career.

10 Strategies to Increase TikTok Comments

There are various strategies to enhance engagement on your TikTok account, and increasing the number of comments is likely the most challenging aspect to address.

Here are the 10 best strategies for increasing TikTok comments that you should incorporate into each TikTok video you post.

1. Ask Questions

If your videos contain text, consider incorporating a question within it.

If people notice a question mark and have relevant experience to share, they are likely to do so.

Asking a question is a call to action; therefore, if you signal to people that you would like something from them, they are more likely to begin commenting and engaging with your content.

Discussing something interesting can certainly attract more views and likes, especially if it is perceived as funny, engaging, or relatable. However, if you aim to generate more comments, you need to inspire your audience a little more.

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Rephrasing what you wanted to express and sharing it in that manner will certainly have a positive impact and attract more comments on social media.

Finally, if the specific post you are creating does not lend itself to an easily posed question, you can always use the caption to include a question instead.

2. Use the Shock Factor

Although clickbait titles and covers are ineffective on YouTube, where they originated, this practice remains prevalent on TikTok and can certainly attract attention to your content.

Of course, you should be strategic about how you use the shock factor, but TikTok is currently the social media app that primarily thrives on this element, making it the perfect opportunity to capitalize on it.

When you include something slightly or significantly shocking in your video, people will certainly stop and take notice, and there is a greater likelihood that they will leave a comment, even if it’s just a shocked face emoji.

You should accept whatever opportunities come your way, and on TikTok, shock value can yield significant results.

3. Humor Is Your Best Friend

Content that is humorous typically garners the most attention, as most people use social media apps to entertain themselves and enjoy a good laugh.

Therefore, that type of content is highly likely to generate significant interaction and engagement.

When you share something humorous, people are highly likely to comment on that post.

Sometimes, leaving a “Hahahaha” comment or using the crying-laughing emoji—even multiple times—can count as meaningful engagement for your account.

While they may not be unique or custom comments, they are still valuable comments to have.

Additionally, people enjoy tagging their friends in the comment section of a humorous post, so encourage them to do so.

TikTok comments, similar to comments on all social media platforms, are most enjoyable when they incorporate some fun.

4. Engage With Authentic TikTok Comments

Fake comments typically refer to those generated by bots designed to promote something or share a link that may contain a virus. They are quite easy to identify, and these are the types of TikTok comments that you should primarily ignore, avoid interacting with, or even delete.

Real TikTok comments are those made by authentic, genuine TikTok users who took the time to leave a comment on your post.

You should certainly engage with these types of positive comments.

In a sense, individuals comment on creators’ posts hoping to gain their attention.

If you engage with others and they notice, they will be encouraged to comment more and interact with you.

5. Use Strategies to Attract More Viewers

Increasing the number of views on your content should be a primary goal, as the aim of building your career is to reach as many users as possible.

However, the more viewers you attract, the more likely you are to receive additional comments. This is a straightforward statistic, and you should take full advantage of it.

Active users are likely to comment extensively on your content if you implement many of the strategies outlined here. Therefore, ensuring that a wide audience sees it should be a crucial aspect of your strategy.

6. Comment on Other Videos

If your followers notice that you enjoy interacting with others and engaging with various content, they will feel more comfortable with you and, consequently, comment on your content even more.

Additionally, if you are someone who writes the best TikTok comments, people are likely to click on your profile to discover who this individual is that leaves such outstanding comments.

If they notice that you not only have excellent TikTok comments but also outstanding TikTok content, they will likely want to follow you and continue engaging with it, including leaving comments.

7. Engage With Other Users

Collaborating with other users is an effective strategy to enhance engagement on your profile.

This relates to comments in that people are more inclined to comment on posts featuring a familiar face.

Additionally, if both you and your collaboration partner are among their favorites, they will be much more inclined to leave a comment on TikTok, even if that comment is simply an expression of excitement about the collaboration.

If you do this, your comment section will be completely filled with comments brimming with love and support.

8. Share a Personal Story

The storytime era of YouTube was undeniably a vibrant period, and similar to clickbait, this approach now thrives on TikTok.

When you mention personal stories, people often associate them with tragic and sad experiences that evoke feelings of compassion and empathy, leading to such comments.

However, a personal story doesn’t need to be a pity party to deserve attention.

Personal stories resemble everyday situations that people encounter, making it inevitable for them to respond positively.

It also serves as an excellent invitation for comments when people realize that a story resembles something they may have already experienced.

9. Be Relatable

To be relatable in a way that engages people without being cringeworthy, you need to strike the perfect balance between sharing personal experiences and incorporating humor.

It has been repeatedly demonstrated that people enjoy nothing more than leaving a TikTok comment that says “Same!!”, and this trend has persisted for a long time.

Being relatable will certainly increase your interactions.

In addition to those types of comments, people are often inclined to tag their friends in the comment section when they find something relatable.

It’s also an excellent way to attract a new audience, making it a valuable opportunity for your career and overall presence.

10. Request TikTok Users to Share Their Experiences

I’ve already mentioned that leaving some questions for people to answer is an excellent way to encourage them to comment. However, more fans are likely to respond if you ask them to share their experiences.

After sharing your experience, be sure to ask people how they found the topic you discussed or how they felt when they went through a similar situation.

Active users on TikTok enjoy sharing their experiences, as it fosters a sense of community, which is something that will always resonate.

It also ensures that you will receive comments from genuine users rather than fake accounts or bots.

Should You Delete Comments On TikTok Videos

As I have already mentioned, many people believe that any type of comments is beneficial for engagement, as comments enhance engagement regardless of their content.

This raises the question of whether you should delete comments that are either not genuine or are real comments that contain a significant amount of hate directed at your content.

TikTok Meaning, Form, and Trends

Regarding the annoying bot comments, you should certainly consider deleting them, as they are highly repetitive and clutter the comments without serving any real purpose.

Before deleting others’ comments, ensure that the hateful remarks they leave are genuinely just bullying and trolling.

Sometimes, negative comments can serve as honest criticism from those who appreciate your content, and that’s something you shouldn’t delete. In fact, it’s something you should respect and perhaps reconsider in relation to certain aspects of your actions.

Even regarding trolling, if you notice only a few of these comments occasionally, it might be best to leave them alone, as trolls typically seek a reaction, which you will provide by deleting the comments.

Should You Purchase TikTok Comments

Finally, we arrive at the important question regarding the purchase of TikTok comments.

It’s available, often at very affordable prices that won’t strain your budget.

However, despite the fast delivery and affordable prices, the question of whether this is a good idea often arises, and opinions are highly divided.

TikTok users can purchase anything related to engagement, including TikTok likes, followers, and comments.

Your decision should depend on the quality of the service provider and your specific goals.

Purchasing TikTok comments can certainly provide your profile with an immediate boost initially, so if you intend to use them solely for that purpose, it is worth considering.

However, repeatedly purchasing TikTok comments, likes, and followers is not an effective strategy for building your TikTok career.

Not only will everything appear obviously fake, leading to negative reactions from genuine users, but the TikTok algorithm may also detect this and cease promoting your content to various For You pages.

In the long term, this could lead to the opposite effect of what you initially desired.

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If you choose to pursue this, the most important thing to consider is to be wise about it and avoid overdoing it.

Additionally, for the popularity of TikTok to genuinely increase, ensure that you purchase TikTok comments from a reputable and trustworthy website, even if it requires paying a slightly higher price, though this is not very likely to be necessary.

The purchased comments should be organic, so you must verify all aspects related to the service provider of these comments.

You can also invest in a quality service that offers not only comments but also followers and likes. In fact, most professional SEO services provide all of these options, allowing you to utilize them to enhance your popularity if that appeals to you.

Where to Buy Real TikTok Comments

If you have decided that purchasing TikTok comments is something you would like to try, let’s ensure that you receive organic comments and that the purchased comments are not detected by the algorithm or the audience.

Here is where you can purchase TikTok comments, ensuring you receive custom comments, quick delivery, and options to select from various packages that best meet your needs.

Media Mister

This is one of the most popular and well-regarded companies of this kind, and they are, of course, recognized for their excellent service.

The comments provided here are entirely authentic and of high quality, ensuring that there will be no issues with them.

Additionally, the service is entirely safe and offers the option for any payment method you deem suitable.

Purchase Authentic Media

This is another TikTok service that is regarded as one of the best sites in its category.

Once you subscribe, you will receive your comments.

Additionally, you can also purchase followers and auto-likes through this service.

They are also among the most affordable options available, offering numerous benefits when purchasing comments through this service.

They promise quick delivery and provide excellent service, making them great in every aspect.


This is a service that is ideal for obtaining comments.

Although they also have TikTok likes, the quality of the comments is overall superior, as they consist of authentic and organic feedback.

The comments are also very relevant to the topic you are posting about, which is not always the case with these apps.


This service is designed to enhance the overall engagement of TikTok accounts and functions like a social media manager, aiming to provide you with guaranteed popularity.

The comments you receive from them will be genuine and not spam, so you need not worry about that at all.

The payment options available are highly flexible and, of course, budget-friendly. So, if you need a service that offers a comprehensive range of growth services without straining your finances, this is the one.


Can I Buy Comments On TikTok?

There are a lot of services where you can buy Tik Tok comments.u003cbru003eu003cbru003eSome of the best ones are TokCaptain and Media Master, and most of them are very affordable and also proven to provide you with real comments.u003cbru003eu003cbru003eThese are not irritating bot accounts and comments, so it’s safe to try.

Why Can’t I See Comments On TikTok?

There could be many reasons for this problem, but some of the most common ones are usually related to some of the privacy settings, or there might be a filter that caused this.u003cbru003eu003cbru003eThe best way to deal with this is to check your settings.

How Do I Comment On TikTok?

To leave a comment on TikTok, while you’re scrolling through videos, you just need to tap on the comment button next to the like button on the right side.u003cbru003eu003cbru003eThat will open the comment section, and you’ll be able to type in what you want and just click u0022Send.u0022

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author on the blog

Stefan Mitrovic

Stefan is a long-time content creator and one of the Stream Mentor's co-founders. He's a tech geek and a Dota 2 player (not even a good one) who wanted to help others become professional streamers and earn from the comfort of their home.