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GachiGASM Emote Meaning
“Well, this has been so enjoyable and delightful that I might just have a gasm as well!”
It gives me gachi.
All night long…
The gachigasm emote is certainly one of the funniest emotes on Twitch.
For those who are unaware of its existence, let me assist you!
Using the emote, not the other option.
The Gachigasm Twitch emote represents intense satisfaction and pleasure regarding an event within the stream or the final outcome of the stream.
Certainly, this is not everything!
The Gachigasm meme would not be a gasm emote without some …gasm included.
Therefore, the next scenario in which you can use the gachi emote is as a reaction to suggestive content that someone has posted.
Of course, suggestive pertains to the sexually suggestive.
Moreover, gachi twitch is an excellent tool to express your attraction to someone.
When you use gachi emotes, be aware that gachigasm is intended as a reaction to men, not women. If you wish to convey a similar meaning to a woman, use Kreygasm instead.
That is all there is to the meaning of gachi and the meaning of gachigasm on Twitch.
The Story Behind
When discussing the origin of gachigasm, the first thing to note is that it was released in 2015.
Regarding the representation, we can observe the ecstatic expression of Billy Herrington (I’m sure you know who this is).
So, this explains the gasm part of the name. What about the gachi, then?
What is gachi?
Well, it is the first part of the Japanese word for “orgasm” (gachimuchi).
Finally, there’s your GachiGASM!
So, download your BTTV extension, acquire this emote, and use it whenever you feel orgasmic, ecstatic, or thrilled with pleasure, both inside and outside of Twitch!