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Wutface Emote Meaning
“Hmm, what? What the hell did you just do? What the hell did you just say? The horror! The horror!”
Wutface is yet another popular emote that streamers can use daily to express various emotions.
Aaaand, it appears that it’s going to stick around for a while, so let’s review some facts.
Twitch wutface is an excellent expression to use while streaming when you are in a state of shock or disbelief about something that has just occurred.
Additionally, there is the option to use wut face when something cringe-worthy occurs—when someone says or does something during a gaming session.
Moreover, there is also the wutfacew version, which is excellent for expressing the intensity of your feelings.
It’s as if you’re expressing that you are extremely shocked and surprised.
But enough about wutface meaning – everything is perfectly clear!
Let’s go to…
The Story Behind
As the nerd you are, I am sure you are interested in the stories behind these emotes.
Regarding the origin of the twitch wutface emote, we owe our gratitude to Twitch employee Alex Mendez for this delightful creation.
He created a video in 2014, and while filming, he noticed the camera panning over, prompting him to make the facial expression that endures for posterity.
Regarding wutfacew, we obtained this one when someone chose to capture a close-up of Mendez’s bewildered expression.
Furthermore, the origin of wutface dates back to October 2014 when the emote was first released.
Today, the wutface emote is one of the most popular emotes on Twitch that streamers use to express disbelief.
So, wutface twitches away whenever someone does something cringeworthy.