Yes, you can smoke on Twitch! According to Twitch rules, smoking cigarettes is allowed on Twitch. Here are other smoking rules you should be aware of:
Vaping on Twitch
Vaping doesn’t violate Twitch rules, so you can vape during the live stream. However, your account could be banned if you are an underage vaper.
Smoking weed on Twitch
If smoking weed is legal in your country, you can do so on your live stream. However, Twitch doesn’t advise you to smoke weed, but it also cannot ban you.
Well, it is the 21st century, and smoking cigarettes is no longer as cool as it once seemed, while smoking weed is no longer as taboo as it used to be.
It is legal to smoke weed in Canada, as well as in certain European countries and cities. Additionally, in the USA, some states have legalized weed for recreational use.
However, in certain American federal states, it remains illegal to smoke marijuana. This poses a significant issue for streamers, creating a dilemma between a rock and a hard place when it comes to smoking weed on Twitch.
Smoking on Twitch appears to be a grey area. This unusual issue has prompted us to seek a solution.
Hopefully, this text will assist you in finding the best possible answer to the question, “Can you smoke on Twitch?”
Table of Contents
Can You Smoke Cigarettes on Twitch?
Currently, cigarette smoking is not prohibited anywhere in the world. Therefore, it is legal and does not violate the Twitch Terms of Service.
However, both the Twitch community and Twitch itself strongly advise against it.
We believe that it is neither illegal nor inappropriate for habitual smokers to smoke a cigarette or a few during a long stream if they choose to do so. Furthermore, this action does not violate any Twitch rule.
If you want to smoke but prefer not to do so in front of your screen, you can always pause the streaming, turn off your camera, or smoke offscreen.
However, Twitch streamers should always exercise caution, as excessive smoking or the promotion of smoking may alienate some viewers, potentially leading to a loss of audience.
Can You Vape on Twitch?
Today, it is more common to see people vaping in real life and on social media platforms than ever before.
The same rules apply to vaping as to smoking cigarettes or weed. There are no definitive regulations; it remains a grey area.
Of course, vaping on Twitch is not against any rules. Therefore, you can vape if you simply cannot resist.
However, if someone examining the bodies of Twitch disapproves of smoking or vaping, you will be banned. Furthermore, you will certainly be banned if you are an underage vaper or smoker.
Related: How Old do You Have to Be to Stream on Twitch
Can You Smoke Weed on Twitch?
To discover remedies for many of our questions, we have dedicated our time, put forth our best efforts, and analyzed Twitch Terms of Service. Generally, it is not a lengthy article, so you may want to take a look.

It is important to note that we are not lawyers, nor do we possess extensive legal knowledge. Therefore, our interpretations of these terms and sections are based solely on common sense.
1. First Article Analysis
The first article that we believe is relevant to the issue of smoking weed on Twitch states: “YOU AGREE NOT TO violate any law, contract, intellectual property, or other third-party rights, or commit a tort, and that you are solely responsible for your conduct while using the Twitch Services.”
This article is straightforward. You are permitted to do anything as long as you adhere to the laws of your state or the Twitch community. Thus, if smoking weed is legal in your country, we believe it is also legal on Twitch.
There is a well-known example involving Snoop Dogg from 2018 when he smoked a blunt just two months after marijuana was legalized in California. However, we will return to this later.
However, if smoking weed is illegal in your country, it is also illegal to smoke weed on Twitch. Furthermore, if someone reports you, you could face criminal prosecution and potentially imprisonment.
For us, it is akin to jaywalking (i.e., crossing the road unlawfully). Nowadays, many streamers choose to stream while walking, leading to frequent instances of jaywalking.
For example, if they jaywalk safely, without any risk, no one will pay attention. Conversely, if they cross the highway illegally, endangering their own life and that of others, there will be consequences. In addition to that risk, they also face the possibility of being banned from Twitch.
Nevertheless, it is also a grey area. Sometimes Twitch allows users to get away with it, while at other times it does not.
2. Second Article Analysis
The second article reinforces our perspective: “To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, Twitch reserves the right, without notice and at our sole discretion, to terminate your license to use the Twitch Services (including posting User Content), and to block or prevent your future access to and use of the Twitch Services.”
Twitch can effectively ban you indefinitely, for any reason they choose and without prior notice.
Therefore, you have no legal grounds to assert that Twitch has banned you without justification. They will always find a reason if they choose to. So, if you smoke weed on Twitch, hope that you will navigate to the safe zone of the now well-known Twitch grey area.
Harsh, isn’t it? Yes, it is, but it becomes even stranger.
3. Third Article Analysis
The third interesting article related to Twitch’s Terms of Service regarding smoking is as follows: “If we fail to exercise or enforce any right or provision of these Terms of Service, it will not constitute a waiver of such right or provision.”
For Twitch, the past is entirely irrelevant. They have the right to operate in their own way, without considering previous decisions.
This means that they can always change their minds, and the question of whether I can smoke weed on Twitch does not have a definitive and final answer.
Smoking Weed on Twitch – Reddit Second-Hand Info
As you may know, Reddit is an excellent platform for asking questions and receiving answers. Additionally, it is highly popular among streamers.
Therefore, it is not surprising that the answer to the question in the headline has surfaced on Reddit. We do not know if the email that has emerged is verified or legitimate, but we do know it supports our viewpoint.

Specifically, it states: “We discourage broadcasters from using marijuana on our services. If doing so violates local laws, causes you to harm yourself, or becomes a focus of your broadcasts, this activity is completely prohibited from being broadcast.”
We highlighted the most crucial point. It states that while they can discourage smoking weed on Twitch, they cannot impose a ban for smoking on stream.
However, the most crucial foundation is that smoking weed is legal and permitted in your state. The phrase “local laws” specifically highlights this point.
The Snoop Dogg Famous Incident
Most of us likely know who Snoop Dogg is: an icon of hip-hop and West Coast culture, as well as a well-known advocate for cannabis. Thus, it was quite fitting that he was the first to break the ice regarding cannabis use on Twitch.
Specifically, the event occurred in 2018, just two months after the California government enacted the law legalizing marijuana for recreational use. Snoop Dogg was promoting the new video game when he chose to light up.
That was a historic moment because Twitch remained silent for the first time regarding smoking weed during a live stream.

Speculations suggest that this is possible due to local laws. It has become legal to smoke marijuana in California; therefore, Twitch has no objections to it.
If this had occurred in 2016 or 2017, Snoop Dogg would have faced a ban. Instead, he provided further evidence for our theory that you can smoke on Twitch if it is permitted and legal to use cannabis in your country.
Yes, Snoop’s weed-smoking may be provocative for some, but the Twitch administration was aware that it was legal and available in stores. After all, this example was somewhat amusing and endearing because, after all, it is Snoop Dogg.
On the other hand, there is an example of actor Andy Dick, who snorted cocaine during one of his streams on Twitch. Naturally, he was permanently banned. This serves as proof that even celebrities do not get away with such actions.
Should I Smoke on Twitch?
Questions such as “Is smoking allowed on Twitch?” can be found on various websites or forums.
There are several options.
The first option is to completely avoid smoking. This applies even if you reside in a country where marijuana is legal. By simply refraining from smoking and discussing it, you can ensure your safety.
Moreover, common sense suggests that Twitch cannot ban you for smoking, such as using weed, in a country where it is legalized. This also applies to smoking or vaping. Both activities are completely legal and do not violate any articles of the Terms of Service.
However, keep in mind that if you frequently travel and stream from different countries, you should always check whether cannabis is legalized there. If you do not pay attention and smoke while streaming, someone might report you, which could lead to criminal prosecution.

The second option is to create content for a mature audience. Avoid smoking if children are present.
Firstly, you will set a poor example for those kids, and secondly, a mature audience will be more focused on your content than on your smoking, drinking, or any other activities.
We understand that you may have little control over who enters your stream, but please do everything possible to prevent underage individuals from encountering you while smoking.
Moreover, you do not need to place special emphasis on smoking. Instead, avoid drawing attention to it to minimize its negative effects. Treat it like a snack or an energy drink.
The third option is to gamble. Do whatever you wish. To paraphrase Lemmy from Motörhead, go with the flow; it should all feel like a game to you.
You can smoke and discuss weed in the most conservative and illegal locations. However, you are likely risking suspension, a ban, or even criminal prosecution.
But hey, you will have plenty of fun and adrenaline, and if your streams are engaging, many people from around the world will watch you.
However, in this “pedal to the metal” situation, it is quite challenging to rely on substantial sponsorships or a Twitch partnership.
Why Is Smoking on Twitch Problematic?
As we near the conclusion of our article, it is essential to clarify why we have highlighted these issues related to smoking cigarettes, vaping, and using marijuana.
1. Smoking Weed May Be Illegal
Although cannabis is legal in many countries, the majority still do not intend to legalize it. Consequently, under their laws, smoking cannabis remains an illegal act.
We strongly advise against breaking the laws of your country!
If you do, at least try to avoid getting caught.
2. Promotion of Bad Habits
While we firmly support human freedom, we cannot overlook the elephant in the room or ignore the negative effects of smoking.
We understand the harmful effects of cigarettes, and recent evidence shows that vaping devices also contain ingredients that can impact health. Therefore, be aware that these are not trivial facts.
Although there are ongoing debates about whether weed is a drug and its potential negative effects, we strongly advise against frequent use.
Finally, always be mindful that some children may observe you and absorb every word you say or action you take. Therefore, strive to be a role model for them and refrain from promoting the harmful influences present in our surroundings.
Can You Smoke on Twitch – Conclusion
You should always keep in mind who you are and what part of your identity you wish to express. Twitch is about streaming yourself and creating content that feels authentic to you.
If that means you need to puff occasionally, then go ahead. However, you cannot make that the foundation of your content. It should be something that complements the original content you create.
Show your true self, but always be aware of your limits and avoid going overboard.
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