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MingLee Emote Meaning
“Oh, you are so sassy! Oh, yes, you are! You are so sassy!”
Hmm, what does “minglee” mean?
I know you have seen it, and I know you have used it.
But can you tell me exactly what minglee is and what the minglee meaning is?
You know it’s associated with laughter, right? But what exactly is it about laughter?
Okay, here’s the thing about twitch emote minglee.
The ming lee emote is an emote that you can use to subtly indicate laughter or to make an insinuation.
Alternatively, you can use ming lee twitch to highlight the sassiness you’ve just witnessed or displayed.
Furthermore, there is a tendency to use minglee as a general laughing emote when you find yourself in a situation that prompts genuine laughter.
The Story Behind
Okay, we see there is a face behind the minglee emoji. So, who is Ming Lee on Twitch?
Ming Lee is, in fact, Chris Mead, an employee at Twitch. He is the person behind the emote.
The origin of the minglee dates back to 2015, and the emote has remained popular ever since. Believe it or not, streamers use it between 100,000 and 150,000 times a day.
Still, ming lee twitch chat can be a hazardous environment.
The person represented by the emote is Asian, and some may find it offensive. Therefore, consider the opinions of other streamers before you choose to use MingLee in chat.