How To See Who Stalks Your Instagram: 4 Ways To Catch Them

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You may have a legitimate suspicion that someone is stalking you on Instagram, and you probably wonder if your feelings are warranted.

In this post, I will help you learn how to identify who is stalking your Instagram. You will discover how to recognize stalkers and protect yourself from them.

I will examine each method step by step, discuss strategies for managing stalkers, and dispel some myths about ineffective methods.

How to See Who Stalks Your Instagram – 4 Best Ways

There are several steps you can take to identify who is stalking you on Instagram. These steps will depend on the commitment and attentiveness of the Instagram users who are stalking you.

If someone regularly stalks your Instagram account, it will be much easier to identify them.

1. Check Instagram Story Viewers

The first method to determine who is stalking you on Instagram is to check your stories.

You can achieve this by visiting your Instagram profile and clicking on your profile picture once your story is live.

After clicking on your profile picture, simply swipe up to reveal the list of people who have viewed your Instagram stories.

Instagram story viewers

Instagram has not revealed how the listed users are ranked, but theories suggest that those at the top have viewed your story the most.

Regardless, the more you post and monitor who views your stories, the better you will become at identifying those who do so frequently.

2. Capturing a Suspected Stalker through Instagram Story

If you have a specific person in mind and strongly suspect that they are stalking you, there is a method to test your suspicion.

Instagram provides an option to “Hide story from“, allowing you to hide your stories from specific individuals you select.

You can use this option before publishing stories by going to “Story setting” and selecting the “Hide story from” option.

hide your story

To identify an Instagram stalker in this way, we will hide the story from everyone except for that one person.

As they are the only person able to view the story, the view count will only reflect their visits.

Instagram stalker

3. Review Instagram Highlights

Instagram highlights

Another action you can take while investigating whether someone is stalking you on Instagram is to check your Instagram highlights. Highlights are essentially stories that remain on your account for as long as you decide to keep them.

If you have numerous items and someone has viewed all of them, it can strongly indicate that they are stalking you.

4. Use Third-Party Applications

There is a large market of apps that claim to help you answer questions like “who viewed my Instagram?” However, these apps are never a good idea.

They will usually use your account to collect and sell your data, offering you no more information than what you could get by simply using Instagram.

4 Ways to Handle Instagram Stalkers

Unless the stalker is harassing or threatening you, there is not much you can do legally. However, there are several ways to address the situation on the platform.

1. Block Them

The easiest and most effective way to prevent someone from bothering you is to block them entirely. Blocking will completely remove their ability to search your Instagram profile and interact with you on the platform.

Here’s how to block someone on Instagram:

    block Instagram account

    It is reasonable to assume that someone who spends their time stalking you on Instagram may not be discouraged by your decision to block them.

    They can always create a new account to bypass your block; however, if that occurs, you can keep blocking them until they give up.

    2. Remove Them From Your Followers List

    If you feel uneasy about someone stalking you, you may want to remove them from your followers list. For many individuals, this action will effectively convey a clear message.

    Here is how you can achieve it:

      remove from followers list

        remove option

        3. Switch to a Private Account

        Having a public account exposes you to the watchful eyes of stalkers. When your account is public, anyone can view everything you publish, including both posts and stories.

        Most people will occasionally check your account and interact with you in a suitable manner, but stalkers may take advantage of this to cause you distress.

        Switching to a private account can offer you peace of mind. When your account is private, only those you have allowed to follow you will be able to view your posts.

        Here is how to change to a private account:

          Instagram account settings

            private account

            4. Disable Activity Status

            Not all stalkers are the same; some may even be your friends. They often check if you are online and may overwhelm you with messages whenever you do appear online.

            If you want to avoid being spammed while online, the easiest solution is to disable your activity status.

            When you disable your online status, you will no longer appear as online. Here’s how to do this:

              disable activity status


              The nature of the Internet has made it easy for individuals to be stalked. While most stalking is relatively harmless, it can still be troublesome to deal with. Once you identify your stalkers, you can use various methods to eliminate them.

              The most effective method is to block the stalkers and set your account to private. This strategy greatly decreases the chances of them bothering you.


              Can you tell who stalks your Instagram?

              It is very hard to tell if one of your Instagram followers is stalking you, but there are a few things you can do. The longer someone stalks you, the more traces they will leave. u003cbru003eu003cbru003eFollowing Instagram statistics for a while will give you a pretty good idea if they are stalking you or not.

              What does it mean when a person is first on your Instagram story?

              The most common reason someone is first seeing your story is that it was published while they were browsing other stories. u003cbru003eu003cbru003eIf someone is checking your stories regularly, it is safe to assume they are interested in you.

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              Mell is one of the Stream Mentor's co-founders and a versatile content writer. She's helping other streamers get their visuals right, set the right panel, use the right lighting, install overlays properly and boost the stream quality to a great extent.

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