So, the pog twitch emote is used to express a similar sentiment as PogChamp, conveying the immense excitement you feel when something cool happens (e.g., advancing to a more complex level than the previous one).
In the case of the pog twitch emote, the close-up of the mouth and lips is the most prominent feature when expressing excitement about something.
On the other hand, pog twitch can also be used to convey your shock over something that has just occurred in the game.
The Story Behind
Twitch pog originated when someone decided to zoom in on a genuine facial expression of excitement from Ryan “Gootecks” Gutierrez.
Our Gootecks was quite excited to see a cameraman tipping over his tripod.
It is safe to say that pog bttv is a widely recognized emote that you can use to express shock and excitement or amusement.
Additionally, bttv pog is one of the oldest emotes available, originating sometime after 2012.
Therefore, use the twitch pog and express excitement whenever appropriate!