10 Streaming Tips That Will Help You to Master Instagram Live

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Instagram ads have seen a massive 76% increase in daily likes during the COVID-19 quarantine. This uptick in engagement can be attributed to the increased use of social media while in isolation. As a marketer, this is a prime opportunity to reach your audience where they are spending time – Instagram. To help you create the most engaging content possible, we’ve compiled a list of eight streaming tips for Instagram Live.

How to master Instagram videos? Best 8 Instagram Live Tips

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In fact, the content can be anything. The main thing is to keep your viewers engaged and satisfied. You can even play games from Steam because the main thing is your charisma. If you don’t know what to play already, just go to a new region. There are many more unexplored games out there. Here’s how to change Steam account region without much effort. Don’t limit yourself to one niche, but also have the courage to drop directions that your audience doesn’t like.

#1 Create a plan

Don’t make the mistake of jumping on Instagram Live without a plan. While the platform is more laid-back than other social media channels, successful users actually prepare in advance and set clear objectives. According to Tony Tran from Hootsuite, effective goal-setting is key to social media success and applies to Instagram Live too. Hootsuite suggests using “SMART” goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely. Additionally, plan out your live stream content and format in advance. Will you host a Q&A, share a product launch or give a behind-the-scenes look? Be intentional and strategic to make the most out of your Instagram Live experience.

#2 Be authentic

Instagram Live Rule Number One: Be Genuine and Authentic! No video scripts or sales pitches! What people crave during social distancing is real human connection, even through their iPhone screen. Your followers come to see the real you, so don’t disappoint them!

#3 Prepare questions and answers

Get ready for an interactive Q&A session with your followers! Add the questions sticker to your Instagram Story and let your audience tap it to ask you anything. Then, conduct a live Q&A and answer their questions in real time. Whether you’re looking to showcase your product or service, or simply connect with your audience, this feature is the perfect way to engage with your followers and spark meaningful conversations.

#4 Protect yourself

Real professionals think about their own safety. You just need to install VPN for iOS to eliminate the risk of interception of your IP and further DDoS attacks on it. Even a regular VPN extension from a trusted provider will suffice. For example, you can use VeePN free extension and your privacy will be protected. With VeePN turned on, no one will be able to intercept your data and you will be safe even when using public Wi-Fi networks.

#5 Set up automatic saving of broadcasts

Discover the power of Instagram Story settings by clicking the gear icon in the top left corner of your screen. Here, you can easily enhance your video content by toggling on/off features such as adding it to your Stories, allowing sharing, saving it, and automatically posting it to Facebook Stories. These simple yet effective features can increase the overall reach of your video. Take things a step further by sharing your content with specific followers – perfect for sharing exclusive content with a particular group of customers.

#6 Play with viewing angles

Make your Live broadcast more captivating by changing your camera’s perspective. Show your viewers the scene around you or alternate between showcasing your product and your face. It’s easy to switch views, just double-tap the screen.

#7 Communicate with viewers

Experience real-time interaction with your audience during Instagram Live! Although receiving comments can be thrilling, it can also be challenging for presenters. Don’t worry – you don’t have to respond to every comment.

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#8 Promote your broadcast

To make your Instagram Live campaigns successful, you must not only have a plan and consistent content but also promote it to your followers and leads. Just like in-person events, market your going-live plan to ensure your audience knows the when, what, where, and why. Spread the word on your other social media channels and emails, and target specific audiences who will find your live event most appealing. For example, create an email campaign to reach out to a particular segment of leads and build their interest.

#9 Get rid of the trolls

Are trolls ruining your Live broadcast? Urban Dictionary defines trolls as individuals who purposely spark arguments by posting provocative messages on message boards or newsgroups. To prevent this disruption, simply click the ‘X’ next to the offending user and mute their comments. Want to take it a step further? Consider turning off the comment section altogether – just keep in mind that one of the greatest benefits of Instagram Live is its real-time interaction with viewers.

#10 Make a call to action

Want to end your Instagram Live like a pro? It’s not just about saying “bye!” There’s a key step you can’t afford to skip. End your session with a strategic call-to-action (CTA) that aligns with your objectives. Whether it’s asking viewers to follow your account or fill out a form, be clear and focused on a realistic action. But make sure your CTA doesn’t sound too salesy or pushy. Get your main goal accomplished and encourage attendees to take action with ease.


Instagram Live is an exciting and powerful tool to build relationships with your audience. To make the most out of it, follow these 10 tips for optimizing your live streaming experience. With a little planning and know-how, you’ll be able to create captivating content that engages your viewers in real-time. Good luck!

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Stefan Mitrovic

Stefan is a long-time content creator and one of the Stream Mentor's co-founders. He's a tech geek and a Dota 2 player (not even a good one) who wanted to help others become professional streamers and earn from the comfort of their home.

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