How to Setup Elgato HD 60 – Best Tips & Tricks (2024)

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If you are a part of the internet gaming community, and you are a streamer or a content creator as well, then having a device that will ensure your gameplay gets captured nicely, is a very important thing.

One of the most popular devices that has this function is the Elgato game capture HD 60. Whether you play on PC or console, there’s a chance that you will run into some difficulties while trying to capture your gameplay, and that’s where the Elgato game capture HD 60 will be extremely handy.

However, if you have already purchased this device and are unsure of how to go about setting it up, then you’ve come to the right place. Let’s talk about how to setup Elgato HD 60 capture card!

How to Setup Elgato HD 60

The first thing that you should know is that the setup is fairly simple.

To start, you have to download and install the needed software, and you can do that from the Elgato website.

When you enter this page, you will see two buttons where you should choose what device you have and what platform you need the software for.

When you’re done with the download, all that you will need to do is hook up your Elgato game capture HD 60 between the console and the TV, connect your microphone, and finally plug the USB cable in.

But, depending on what platform you’re using, the specifics of setting up may vary, so after you are familiar with the needed software, we will get into those specifics.


As we said, this Elgato device, just as any other Elgato device, will have the needed software provided on their website.

The software is very tidily laid out, and quite easy to use.

Here’s what you will see on your screen when you open it.

In the top left corner, you will find the live stream where everything running through the Elgato game capture HD 60. The content that is showing up there will be running a few seconds behind the live stream that’s on your TV.

But don’t worry, the frame rates of the video will be untouched.

Below, you will have the main controls as well as analog audio levels.

If you need the main settings, they will be on the top right, under the preferences menu. That’s where you can adjust things like where you want your recorded files to be saved as, the recording format, enable streaming, set sharing options and etc.

Also, on the right is where you will find various live options, like game and commentary audio levels, bit rate, and change tags.

When it comes to sharing or output possibilities, the content made here can be shared on platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, E-mail, AppleTV, iPad, iPhone, and even to Windows Movie Maker!

1. Setup on PC

If you need specific instructions for setting this device to your PC, then this is your section.

So, after you’ve installed the game capture HD software, you will need your Elgato game capture device and an HDMI cable. As you know, the HDMI cable is included with the device.

You will also need a USB cable, and that one is also provided.

Before you start hooking things up, make sure the PC is turned off.

Then, you will connect your PC and your Elgato game capture HD 60 using the HDMI cable.

After this, take the USB and do the same thing.

So now both the USB cable and the HDMI cable are connecting your device and PC.

If your monitor is connected to your PC with a DVR cable, then you should remove it and connect your monitor to the Elgato with another HDMI cable.

And that’s it! You can now turn on your PC and start streaming.

2. Setup on PlayStation4 (PS4)

If you like to stream your gameplay from your PS4, then connecting an Elgato game capture HD 60 won’t be much of a problem, either.

Playstation and Elgato gaming go hand in hand.

To do this, you should first connect your PS4 to your TV using an HDMI cable, without including the Elgato game capture HD 60 in the mix yet.

Then you should turn everything on and visit the Settings, and from there go to System.

There, you will turn off the Enable HDCP option.

After that, connect your PS4 to the HDMI In the slot of your Elgato, and from the HDMI Out slot, you should connect the Elgato to the TV, also using an HDMI.

Finally, contest the Elgato to the PC using a USB cable.

Just remember, the most important thing is to turn off the Enable HDCP option because if you don’t, the only thing that’s going to be streaming is a black screen.

3. Setup Elgato Game Capture HD60 on Xbox One

Another option you have for streaming is on gaming Xbox and Elgato HD60.

If this is the console you play on, then this is what you need to do to set everything up.

First, connect your Xbox and Elgato gaming capture device via an HDMI, with one end going into the console and the other end of the cable into the HDMI in the slot of the device.

Then connect the Elgato to your PC using a USB cable.

When it comes to the audio, you should go to the HDMI audio options, and the Xbox One should be set to Stereo uncompressed audio.

4. Setup on Nintendo Switch

The Elgato gaming capture HD 60 can be connected to the Nintendo through the Nintendo Switch Dock, using an HDMI cable.

And don’t worry, the Elgato can pass through video to a TV, all you need is another HDMI.

The Nintendo Switch is a bit more complicated compared to other consoles, as you will need a Nintendo Switch Dock with an attached power adapter and, of course, an HDMI.

So, as Nintendo Switch doesn’t have a video out port, you first need to connect it to the Dock, as that device has an HDMI out.

First, plug one end of the HDMI cable into the HDMI OUT port of the Nintendo Switch Dock, then plug the other end to the In port of the Elgato.

Take a second HDMI cable.

Plug one end of this cable to Elgato’s Out port, and the other end to your TV or monitor.

Then insert the Nintendo Switch to the Dock.

Finally, you should make sure that the Elgato is also connected to your PC via USB, and then start the Elgato gaming software.


Why won’t my Elgato HD 60 connect?

Make sure that you are connecting all of the cables where they should be. The Elgato needs to be connected with 2 HDMI cables and one USB cable. Make sure that the cables are in a working state, and that you have the Enable HDCP option off when playing on PS4.

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Stefan Mitrovic

Stefan is a long-time content creator and one of the Stream Mentor's co-founders. He's a tech geek and a Dota 2 player (not even a good one) who wanted to help others become professional streamers and earn from the comfort of their home.