NICKMERCS Steps Up for Asmongold: Can a Fitness Revolution in Streaming Be on the Horizon?

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NICKMERCS has extended a helping hand to fellow streamer Asmongold after he shared his health concerns during an August broadcast.

Asmongold revealed that he had recently visited the emergency room and has promised to make improvements to his diet after finding out that he has “very high” blood pressure.

Along with changing his diet, Asmongold mentioned needing to exercise daily, but he expressed that this would require a big change in his lifestyle since he has not felt sick before.

His video caught the attention of NICKMERCS, a streamer from Kick, who provided advice and encouraged Asmongold to reach out if he needed any support.

“This guy lives a crazy lifestyle, but it seems like he is trying to get back on track,” Nick stated.

“I believe in a healthy lifestyle and good routines, so I want to say to Asmon: If you ever need assistance, just send me a direct message.”

In response to Asmongold’s comments, NICKMERCS made a separate video where he expressed his pride in Asmongold for initiating changes.

“I care about him and wanted to share my support and encouragement. I’m proud that he is making these changes; that’s the only way to go.” NICKMERCS emphasized the importance of addressing health issues directly.

He advised, “Take care of your health through exercise and a proper diet. Do what makes you happy, and if something is causing you stress, take a break.”


Asmongold later acknowledged NICKMERCS’s supportive messages in his own video, describing them as a “very kind gesture.” He shared that NICKMERCS had reached out to him directly via a message, although he chose not to divulge the specific details of their conversation.

While it might be challenging to envision a fitness-themed stream featuring both NICKMERCS and Asmongold, the idea of a collaboration between the two prominent streamers is definitely an exciting prospect for their fans.

Interestingly, NICKMERCS liked a comment that suggested a “Nick x Asmongold gym stream would attract a huge audience,” indicating that both streamers are open to exploring this idea in the future.

This interaction highlights the supportive community within the streaming world, demonstrating how fellow creators can uplift one another during difficult times. It’s wonderful to see streamers ready to lend a hand and encourage positive lifestyle changes during challenging health journeys.

Viewers continue to express their hope for a collaboration, believing that it could inspire not only entertainment but also promote health and wellness among their fans.

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Stefan Mitrovic

Stefan is a long-time content creator and one of the Stream Mentor's co-founders. He's a tech geek and a Dota 2 player (not even a good one) who wanted to help others become professional streamers and earn from the comfort of their home.