Ludwig Slams Multi-Streaming: Why He Believes Going All-In on One Platform is the Future of Streaming!

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Popular streamer Ludwig Ahgren recently stated his dislike for multi-streaming.

He believes that streams should focus on one platform instead of spreading out.

This comment comes as many big streamers are returning to Twitch from other platforms like YouTube.

In the past, Twitch was the main site for streamers.

But now, several other platforms like YouTube, Kick, and Facebook Gaming are competing with Twitch.

These platforms have signed exclusive contracts with streamers to keep them on their sites.

However, some streamers are starting to leave these contracts for more flexibility with multi-streaming.

Multi-streaming allows creators to broadcast their streams on different platforms at the same time.

This way, viewers can choose to watch on their preferred platform.

Ludwig thinks that while this may help viewers, it could hurt streamers in the long run.

He speculates that the next big star will focus on one platform instead of being a multi-streamer.

He noted that many streamers return to Twitch as soon as their exclusivity deals end.

On September 1, he said it seems like every YouTube streamer switches back to Twitch or begins multi-streaming.

He mentioned this after TimTheTatman and DrLupo made their returns to Twitch.

Ludwig expressed that he does not like multi-streaming based on his personal goals.

He feels that the added total viewership is not worth splitting the audience.

He also believes that streamers tend to favor one platform over another, leaving one chat less engaged.

He thinks the next popular streamer will not be one who averages viewers on two platforms.

Instead, it will be someone who can draw a large audience on one site.


Ludwig also acknowledged that he might use multi-streaming for special events, like ChessBoxing, but he does not plan to use it for his regular streams.

He mentioned, “If you want to grow, you shouldn’t restrict yourself to one platform.” Ludwig emphasized that if the goal is to reach a wider audience, generate more income, or share messages more effectively, then it makes sense to have some flexibility.

Other well-known streamers joined the conversation as well. Pokimane and Valkyrae expressed their thoughts, with Valkyrae wishing there was a way to combine the best features of both YouTube and Twitch.

Pokimane noted that while streaming on YouTube can be enjoyable, it might limit exposure since streamers miss out on the audience traffic generated by game directories and trends. She added that it requires more effort to connect with fellow streamers on that platform.



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Stefan Mitrovic

Stefan is a long-time content creator and one of the Stream Mentor's co-founders. He's a tech geek and a Dota 2 player (not even a good one) who wanted to help others become professional streamers and earn from the comfort of their home.